Sunday, December 27, 2015

Social Media & Technology

Social Media & Technology

Everybody knows that social media and technology is the future. Everyday someone is inventing something new in the world of technology. Everyday someone is posting something or improving something that has to do with social media. Needless to say I am not really all that excited about technology or social media. I am about to tell you all of my reasons (pros & cons) about both social media and technology. First and foremost let say that I do have a Facebook account and a YouTube account as well as accounts on other sites such as blogger. I also use and as selling formats for my online business. These are some of the pros of having these different accounts. Some of the pros are that using sites such as Facebook are good for keeping in touch with friends and family that may be living far away in another state. Facebook is also good for attracting customers if you are a business owner or trying launch a business. These are some of the key examples that I think make Facebook good. Now here are my reasons why I think Facebook is no good. First of all I don't like it when people use Facebook like its a cellphone. When people rather message you all the time on Facebook instead of picking up the phone and calling you. If you don't have that someone's number just ask them for it since all you gonna do is message them on Facebook anyway. My other problem with Facebook is the people who use it for bullying and causing trouble for other people. I feel like the owners of Facebook should terminate the accounts of bullies but they don't. But if a mother posts up a pic of her breast feeding it's considered offensive and removed. To me that is some bullshit. I feel like I rather see something as pure as breast feeding on Facebook and not that is considered bullying. 

I now want to talk about YouTube. As I mentioned above I do have a account with YouTube and I really like it. I love posting videos and reading comments left by the viewers if they choose to leave them. I also love watching and commenting on others videos as well. The one thing I don't like is when yet again when I see videos targeting people and bullying people. I mean this type of actions are so played out. You have the kids bullying other kids and the parents act like their kids are right for bullying other kids. To be honest I would be an asshole to the parents of the kids who bullying my kids. For example if my kids were be bullied and I was the owner of a store and the parents of the kids bullying my kids worked there they would be fired. Why would I fire them you ask? Well if they knew their kids were bullying my kids but as well as other kids and they did nothing to stop it then I would put a stop to it by firing their parents and have their parents tell them it is because of you mommy and daddy got fired today. I mean in reality you can't really do much to stop these things because children have been rebellious against their parents for years I mean even Jesus was a little rebellious. But if we don't try to teach children at an young age about things like this then we never stop it. 

Another thing that bothers me about social media is when people use it to contact their friends or neighbors when they literally live a few houses down from you. I once heard a lady talking to her sister about messaging the neighbor on Facebook  about getting the families together. Her sister asked her why don't just call her and her response was were to busy to make phone calls. Her sister then asked her why don't just go over her house since she lives four houses down from you. Her then response was because whenever she is home is when she spends time with her family. After I overheard that bullshit I realized that there are some people who is completely hooked on social media that they rather send a neighbor a message then go speak with them face to face. I mean I see people become hermits because they choose not to leave social media alone. I read an article about a woman who said that she was do addicted to Facebook that she said it ruined her life. She wrote about how she would call out work sick days in a row just so she could spend the day playing the games, reading post, writing post, and waiting to see how many likes or comments she get. To make a long story short she lost her job and her family. She missed her own daughters college graduation and her husband divorced her because she became a slob and her got tired of cleaning up her mess she was leaving around the house. After reading that article I thought how can she blame Facebook for something that she chose to do out of her own free will. 

Now I would also like to say that yes I know that all of these things aren't caused by Facebook and YouTube but by the people who choose to do these things. I just feel like there are more cons to these sites then there are pros. I also want to talk about technology and how sometimes I feel like why was it even invented. For example cellphones are a blessing and a curse depending your actions. It is a blessing because you can talk to people when your not home hence the best invention since the home phone. Texting is good as well as long as its used as good. Cellphones became a curse when people started to talk on the phone while driving. It got even worse when people started texting and driving. Once again it took humanity to ruin something good for everybody. Just like the invention of the computer. When the computer got better over the years people could send each other messages and meet new friends online in chat rooms. Playing online games was fun and visiting new websites was exciting until......emails turned into stalking and threatening messages from that so called new friend you met in the chat room. Bullying became popular because its easy to be a coward when your hiding behind a screen and no one can see you. 

I know have been rambling on about social media and technology and how there's a lot of messed up things wrong with them but like I mentioned before it's humanity that ruined these good inventions. I mean yes there is a lot of good uses in the world of technology and social media but for every good use there is 100 bad uses that follow. So in the end we shouldn't blame technology or social media. We should blame ourselves as humanity for always taking good things and ruining them with our selfish ways and actions. If we would all just think about how much good can be done with these inventions and less about how we can use them to hurt others we could actually just maybe change the world using technology and social media.        

Holiday Coupon Code For My Etsy Shop

Hello!! We hope that your month is moving along smoothly and the love of the season is filling your days with joy. We also wanted to share with you a special we're having for this month for our Dark Secret Creations Etsy Shop.

10% off your purchase of $20 or more.
Expires December 31, 2015
Coupon Code: PEACE4U

This is good for your entire cart purchase as well. We are also offering a free Tarot or Oracle one card reading with each purchase over $10. This is to help show everyone our appreciation and love. The decks for the free reading special we have available are the following...

Archangel Power Tarot
Angel Tarot
Cats Oracle
Guilded Tarot
Shaman Tarot
Shaman Oracle
Past Life Oracle
Animal Spirit Messages Oracle
Earth Magic Oracle
Energy Oracle
Shaman Wisdom Oracle

Yes lol we have a lot of decks, but we are passionate about them all. So I hope this helps. Just keep it in mind if you need assistance this month. Have a beautiful day, and may the light of the season shine down upon you and yours.

Cosmic Blessings,
Melody & Dwayne

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Galactic Information Monthly - December 2015

Galactic Information Monthly - December 2015

Galactic Information Monthly
            December 2015

Many good things are occurring here on earth. We are prepared to give you this information, because we know that it will be beneficial to you. Healing energies will be released, and this will be in more than just the physical plane. Your Emotions and Spirits will also benefit from this. This is due to some of our ships being deployed out to send the healing energies around the earth. They will go wherever the energies are the lowest. On another note full global disclosure of information is soon going to be finalized. We are in the ending stages of some amazing things. We acknowledge that many things are happening on your planet, and war is in the minds of some. The governments of humanity believe they have the upper advantage, and we cannot reveal everything. But know that we are on the upswing, and we have plans coming forward. In the coming months many of you will notice events occurring, some of these will be bad, and some will be covered up. Some of these will have to do with “alien” and “ufo”, as you call them, sightings. There will be knowledge coming forward, and you will be safe to know that this is us. We are for the betterment of humanity; we are for global peace and cosmic love. We are here to connect all with the realms of light through way of ascension. Embrace and continue to learn love children!!   

Galactic Calendar:
*Any dates that are not seen are regular days*

Today the moon is in its last quarter, the waning moon. This is when the moon is decreasing in size, moving from the Full Moon towards the New Moon. This is a time for spells that banish, release, and reverse. This is a time to break bad habits or bad addictions, to end bad relationships. This is a time of deep intuition and a time for divination. Be sure to review endeavors and correct mistakes, settle disputes and make amends. 

There will be some light codes released today from the starship being close to earth. They will be releasing energy on this day to prepare us for the entire month ahead. 

Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 2012 WA13 which is an asteroid passing closely by the earth.

Today Comet C/2014 S2 (PANSTARRS) is forecast to reach its brightest in the sky. This will not be visible to all, but this comet will bring some much needed rejuvenation energy for us all. This day brings a coming time when energies will be moving higher. 

Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 2012 VZ145 which is an asteroid passing closely by the earth.

On this day Comet C/2015 S2 (PANSTARRS) will make its closest approach to the Sun. This will be like a boost for shooting the energy around our solar system. This day, and the coming days will be a perfect time for channeling sessions with the Galactics and higher beings. This will be a wonderful time for spiritual purposes. Also the Puppid-Velid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity, about 15 per hour. This shower is known to increase the energies of earth by way of solar waves. Today will be a powerful day. Expect increased energies in the days to come. 

Today Comet 204P/LINEAR-NEAT will make its closest approach to the Sun. The Galactics are saying that this Comet will help open a portal to prepare for the energetic uploads to go along with the energy of the New Moon. This will also be in effects tomorrow and the day after. 

Today is the New Moon or Dark Moon which is when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun and therefor hidden.  This is a time of new beginnings and new undertakings. A soothing time of rest and planning for new beginnings; new growth; love, the beginning of or renewing of; bringing things in; regeneration; give thanks. Put ideas in motion, become engaged, and make long term relationship plans. This is a time to set new goals and review old ones for both the long and short term, and relates to the planting of the seeds. Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 1998 WT24 which is an asteroid passing closely by the earth.

Across much of the world the Milky Way’s dwarf companion, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), in Dorado, will be well placed for communication and observation. It is expected to reach its highest point in the sky around midnight local time. It is expected that this portal of communication will remain open for the week after this day. 

This day may pose as stressful for those attached to mundane things such as cellphones, computers, etc. There is no bad energy causing this, but there will be some increased solar energies on this day. This will be raising the vibrations of those awakened and lowering others. This shift should only last a day, but the effects may be felt days after. This is ultimately good. 

The Germinid Meteor Shower will reach its maximum rate of activity today. Some of the stars are expected to be visible from Dec 7- Dec 16. In a dark location you can see about 100 per hour. This is a very big event. This shower comes from the constellation Gemini. So Gemini’s may feel this a bit stronger, but all should feel its effects very well. A portal of communication will be open and this shower is the key. Medium Channeling with higher entities will be open well and spiritual ascensions and uploads will too. 

The open star cluster NGC 1981 in Orion's sword will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This brings forth feelings of cosmic love to all. Also communication with the Orion high council and all other entities from this area will be strongly opened. This will be like a wormhole of connection. Astral Travelers can take advantage of this and go exploring. Have fun and see what comes up! 

The Moon is at First Quarter; Waxing Moon which means the moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon. This is a time for spells that attract, that bring positive change, spells for love, good luck, growth. This is a time for new beginnings, to conceptualize ideas, to invoke. 

Prepare for the days ahead on this day by purging yourselves from mundane things such as technology, even if you can only do this for a few hours. Spending some time outside will also do many people well. If you feel rather clogged emotionally today, then go get some fresh air and meditate. 

Today is the Winter Solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. This time is a Holiday to most, but the Solstice is a Wiccan and Pagan day of celebration. This day will have good energy. Also the Ursid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity today. Some shooting stars associated with the shower are expected to be visible each night from 17 Dec to 25 Dec. But the full moon being close may decrease visibility. This shower comes from Ursa Minor, so keep this in mind for your spiritual needs and intergalactic channeling. 

Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 2011 YD19 and 2003 SD220 which are asteroids passing closely by the earth.

The Full Moon is tonight which is when the moon has reached its zenith, it forms a perfect silvery sphere in the sky. This is a time for spells that transform, increase psychic ability, for fertility spells and invocation to lunar goddesses. This is a time of strength, love and power. This is a very intuitive and productive time in Fertility; Magic; Dreams; Meditation; love; Matters of the home; Beauty; Money; Creativity; Psychic abilities, and is a time of heightened feelings. This is not a good time for major decisions. Major workings should occur now. This is the climax of the moon power. Also Asteroid 27 Euterpe will be well placed for observation, lying in the constellation Gemini. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This is a good balance to go with the moon energy. 

The Puppid–Velid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity tonight. Some shooting stars associated with the shower are expected to be visible each night from 17 Nov to Jan. The maximum rate of meteors expected to be visible from a dark location is around 15 per hour. This will be good for boosting coding uploads and crystal energy. 

For all those awakened spiritually, you can expect some good meditations to come through today. This is a gift from the Galactics and higher realms of light. Use this to your advantage and do some vision questing. 

The open star cluster NGC 2232 in Monoceros will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This is a good time for intergalactic channeling from this region of the sky. 

The open star cluster NGC 2244, in the rosette nebula in Monoceros, will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This is a good time for intergalactic channeling from this region of the sky. Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 2008 CM which is an asteroid passing closely by the earth.


Today and tomorrow will be wonderful days for Astral Traveling. If you are aware of what this is and know how, then take advantage of this energy and do some adventuring in spirit form. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Card Of The Day - Gilded Tarot

Two Of Wands

We see a young man facing two wands that are now firmly placed in the ground, showing that his project has become more established. He looks between them, for, far beyond into the horizon, contemplating his future plans. The vegetation is healthy, lush, and vibrant, which brings a sense of optimism. The two deer gazing back at him, with equal contemplation, mirror the new wands. Two can symbolize the possibility of outside influence, perhaps in the form of a partnership. The fork in the road shows future choices and decisions that will need to be made as the querent progresses. 

Having moved forward from the energy and ideas that the Ace brought, the Two of Wands shows that the initial stages have progressed to get the project off the ground. While the Ace is a wonderful card in theory, it cannot become significant if the energy is not manifested into reality. As with all new ventures, you need to focus on your future plans and put in the required amount of effort to succeed. But the presence of this card shows that the potentiality exists. The energy of the Two may also indicate a partnership; collaborations and negotiations with others may be significant to your project, so these are worthy of consideration. The Two of Wands is a positive card that shows you moving in the direction of your goals and ambitions. 

Twos of any suit are often about balance. It will be important for you to keep your balance in every way that you can - even to the mundane, boring things like eating right and getting enough rest. These things will be very helpful to you during this time. The Two of Wands also often indicates a partnership with one other person. This can be business or personal, or both. In general the Two of Wands reminds us to stay mindful of the give-and-take required for all successful relationships. If things are feeling "out of balance" for you in general now, know that they are about to get substantially better. Keep your eyes on the prize that you're looking for, metaphorically, and remain or get positive. You're about to fit things together in new or unusual ways. Work is about to get a lot smoother, and if you're looking for employment, you are about to find the right fit. Don't let anyone knock you off your stride. You're more together and balanced than you might realize, work-wise.

If you're already in a relationship, it's about to get a lot more equal. Pay attention to your ideas about equality and balance and share them. If you're looking for love, someone who could be very good for you is already likely part of your life. Don't judge a book by its cover. If someone is interested in you, give them a chance. This relationship could be just what you're looking for. Your income and outgoing is moving toward a better state of balance. The Two of Wands indicates fairness and equality, don't hesitate to ask for what you are truly due or worth. You are likely to be pleasantly surprised by how much you can improve your financial situation. The theme of balance particularly holds true for this card in terms of health. Energy work aimed at balancing your chakras and/or your body/mind/spirit is particularly effective and helpful health wise now. Are you paying adequate attention to all three? If not, now's the time. The benefits are far greater than any effort you can put out. Your health is most likely in better shape than you fear. A spiritual partnership with just one other person may be greatly beneficial to you now. Remember too that you are also always spiritually in partnership with yourself as well. Remember to take time and space to care well for yourself spiritually and emotionally. This is an essential ingredient to having spiritually successful relationships with others. Start with yourself.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Galactic Information Monthly - November 2015

Galactic Information Monthly - November 2015

The following information was guided from the Galactic Federation Of Light, and all those who are for the betterment of Humanity. During this month there is a very good chance of geomagnetic storms near the beginning of the month. These chances lower as we progress into the middle of the month. This is due to a fast-moving stream of solar winds. This will hit Earth’s magnetic fields. This will increase Northern Lights, so be on the lookout for those. But this will also bring a strong heightening of energy waves. This month will be a bit key in spiritual advancements and ascensions as well as coding uploads. This whole month will be a good chance to see meteors and fireballs in the sky. None of these pose much of a threat, but they will aid in the flow of energies. In fact, these meteor showers add to the energy waves. This month many will feel a flow of knowledge coursing through them. This month holds a lot of events, and you will notice a lot of high energy points. For any of the dates that are not mentioned, you can expect these days to be low to normal. The beings from the Galactic Federation Of Light give us this information so we will know the associations of the events in our solar system. With this knowledge we can prepare ahead, and know what is to come. They urge us all to keep our minds focused on the higher perspective. This is a month about separating one’s self from ego and the lower self. For those who are still holding strongly to mundane earthly connections, the Galactic’s want to remind that this is holding back your potential to connection with the higher self. Connection with the higher self is the ultimate form of knowledge and it the destination of where we all should be. Take this month as a chance to aid in your own advancements. During days of increased energy, ascensions, advancements, coding uploads, know that connecting with nature is the best and fastest way to feel these effects come through stronger. There will be many points during this month where opportunities for smooth channeling sessions will be easier. Keep this in mind and be alert to all visions, meditations, dreams, and messages that come through. Log them down so you will remember them!

Spiritual Awakening/Ascension/Advancement Uploads & Coding Days:
November 4th, 20th, and 29th.

Galactic Calendar:
11/1 Today leading into the few days following, the dwarf spheroidal galaxy named Fornax will be open to communication through channeling. This will be harder for beginners. But to anyone who channels regularly, be aware that some information and messages may come through from some of the life forms from this area.

11/3 Venus and Mars will make a close approach of one another today. This brings together the energies of both. Venus is associated with love, beauty, gentleness, and well-being and mars is associated with combative energy, virility, action, courage, and boldness. In addition to those, the moon will be at its last quarter. So when those two make a conjunction it is very strong, but mixing this with the moon’s last quarter it is even stronger! The energy levels of today will be extremely heightened.

11/4 Comet P/1999 R1 will make its closest approach to the sun. This comet will unleash some upload rays which will be carried to us through the sun’s rays. We will be able to feel these over the next few days following this event. In addition, this comet will reach its brightest on this day. However, it will not be visible due to the closeness to the sun.

11/5 The Taurids Meteor Shower will reach its maximum rate of activity on this night. The shower runs annually from September 7 to December 10. The maximum rate of meteors will be about 10 per hour. This shower will be sharing energy waves with us, which will benefit our energy levels. This will boost any advancements or coding uploads that anyone is currently going through.

11/6 Asteroid 39 Laetitia will be well placed for observation, lying in the constellation Cetus, well above the horizon for much of the night. Regardless of your location on Earth, 39 Laetitia will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. In addition, the moon and Jupiter will make a close approach of one another. This brings their energies together. The moon is associated with fertility, imagination, memory, dreams, the unconscious, and moods. Venus is associated with love, beauty, well-being, and gentleness. As these two events collide in the night sky, we can expect much heightened energy to flow through. As 39 Laetitia resides in Cetus, its energy will be aiding in a portal opening. This will help communication from Cetus to flow through. Since the moon and Jupiter has associations which aids in third eye openings and psychic intuition, this should make a smooth ride for channeling sessions with the life forms from Cetus.

11/7 The conjunction between the Moon and Mars will bring these two close to one another. The moon is associated with fertility, imagination, memory, dreams, the unconscious, and moods. Mars is associated with combative energy, virility, action, courage, and boldness. In addition the conjunction between the Moon and Venus will happen as well, which gives the energies of Venus to aid us. Venus is associated with love, beauty, well-being, and gentleness. The Moon will also reach its furthest point along its orbit to the earth, and as a result will appear slightly smaller than at other times, this is called its apogee. These events all mixed together mean that Venus and Mars will have a stronger effect on us than the moon, but each will be almost balanced. We can expect energies to be a bit conflicting during this day.

11/10 Comet 10P/Tempel is going to reach its brightest on this night. This will begin a much needed cleansing energy for us all. This month so far will have had a lot of events, so a cleansing period will be needed.

11/11 The New Moon has come, and this will aid in the period of cleansing for us all. This will be a wonderful time to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters in the night sky because there won’t be any moonlight to interfere. Take a break during this time so focus on rebalancing things.

11/12 This is a small reminder that the Taurid Meteor Shower is still going on. So remember that this will boost any advancements or coding uploads that anyone is currently going through. Remember that this shower is named for the constellation Taurus, because they seem to radiate from this part of the starry sky. So Taurus’s might feel this energy a bit stronger.

11/13 The moon’s monthly orbit around the Earth will carry it to its closest point to the Sun, its perihelion. The moon will show as a crescent shape. This is still a good time for spiritual cleansing, and it a wonderful chance to evaluate emotions.

11/17 Mercury will appear very close to the Sun in the sky as it passes around the far side of the solar system from the Earth. This is its superior solar conjunction. Mercury is associated with intellectual capacity, thought processes, comprehension, learning abilities. In mythology Mercury was the messenger of the Gods. So we can use this bit of information as a hint that many messages of importance will be coming through.
11/18 The Leonid Meteor Shower will reach its maximum rate on this night. Some shooting stars associated with the shower are expected to be visible from November 15th through the 20th. But the peak is on this night. It should produce about 15 meteors per hour at its peak. It is a unique shower because it has a cyclonic peak about every 33 years where hundreds of meteors per hour can be seen. The last of these occurred in 2001. The Leonid’s is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tempel0 Tuttle, which was discovered in 1986. It runs annually from November 6-30th. Meteors will radiate from the constellation of Leo, but can appear anywhere in the sky. This will bring a strong energy, and we can all expect some energy uploads. Leo’s may feel these stronger. In addition, the Pleiades open star cluster, M45 in Taurus, will be well placed for observation. This will also be a wonderful night for openly flowing channeling sessions with the Pleiadians, and all life forms from this area.

11/19 The moon will be at First Quarter on this night. Channeling sessions and other forms of spiritual or psychic work will have an easier flow.

11/20 Asteroid 192 Nausikaa will be well placed for observation in the constellation Perseus. Regardless of your location on Earth, it will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. We can expect for an energy portal to be open which creates a stronger connection. Channeling sessions with life forms from Perseus will flow a bit easier tonight and a few nights hereafter.  In addition Mars will be at its furthest point to the sun, its aphelion, and this means that associations with Mars will be weaker. Mars brings associations of combative energy, virility, action, courage, and boldness. So if people are not careful, there could be some arguments happening. Choose your words wisely on this night, but for the most part energies will be calming.

11/22 The Moon and Uranus will make a close approach of one another. This brings their energies together. The moon is associated with fertility, imagination, memory, dreams, the unconscious, and moods. Uranus is a dynamic and brutal energy and is associated with independence. Uranus also brings about sudden and unforeseeable changes, new situations, revolutions, and disruptions. So expect some confusing energy flows to be apparent.

11/23 The moon will reach the closest point along its orbit to the Earth, and as a result will appear slightly larger than at other times. This is also considered a Super Moon. Expect the energies of the moon to be very strong. The moon is associated with fertility, imagination, memory, dreams, the unconscious, and moods.

11/25 Mercury’s orbit around the Sun will carry it to its furthest point away from the sun which is its aphelion. Energies from this planet will be a bit weaker. Mercury is associated with intellectual capacity, thought processes, learning abilities. However, the moon will be full on this night. The moon is associated with fertility, imagination, memory, dreams, the unconscious, and moods. So this will overpower the effects of Mercury a bit, and we can expect a heightened urge to embrace spiritual matters over earthly matters. Also sightings will be heightened tonight. Keep your eyes to the skies!

11/29 Venus’s orbit around the Sun will carry it to its closest point to the Sun, its perihelion. Energies from this planet will be stronger. Venus is associated with love, beauty, well-being, gentleness, affections, romance.

11/30 From Earth, Saturn will appear very close to the Sun in the sky as it passes around the far side of the solar system from the Earth. This will heighten the planets energies. Saturn is associated with lessons to be learned, ordeals to be undergone, concentration, ambition, maturity, wisdom, and also brings the message to slow things down.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Earth Magic - Consumables

Earth Magic - Consumables

Hello again everyone. I wrote a article a couple weeks ago about earth magic and how I incorporated teas and paste into healing spells and potions. In that article I mentioned about other recipes that I had and i am here to tell you about those recipes in this post. In this post I will be mentioning things such as soups, salads, teas, and paste as well. These recipes are used for certain things such as promoting, healing, and obtaining certain things. These recipes should not be used as a spell on anyone against their free will and without their permission. So with that said let me begin with a few of these recipes in which I hope you guys try out sometime. The first couple of recipes I am going to explain to are soups and salads. I just want to say that if any of you readers decide to try any of these recipes and you are allergic to any of the ingredients or the ingredients aren't in season just let me know and I will give a list of substitutes that you can use. 

The first soup I want to get into is a attract love soup. This soup starts off with a base that consist of
tomatoes, peas, leeks, and cherries. then the spices which are rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper, chili pepper, and basil. If cherries aren't in season they can be replaced with apples, beets, apricots, or raspberries. To make the base prep and cook all the veggies and fruits until tender then puree them in a blender or food processor. then add the base to a pot and the spices to base and simmer about 15-20 minutes. When you add the spices ad them to your tasting. This soup isn't used to help you fall in love or to have someone fall in love with you. It is made to attract love to you in any way possible. The next soup I want to get into is a protection soup. This soup is used to gain protection and is starts with a base of tomatoes, turnips, rhubarb, radish, onions, garlic, leeks, lime juice, and cooked beans (or canned beans). If rhubarb isn't in season it can be replaced with carrots, blueberries, or blackberries if in season. The spices used are dill, cinnamon, salt, pepper, parsley, lime zest, rosemary, and sage. To make the base start off by zesting and juicing the lime. Add the lime juice to the pan with the veggies and cook until tender. Puree the base and add to pot with spices. Add spices to your tasting and simmer about 20 minutes. This next recipe is a promote healing salad. To make this all you need is apples, cucumbers, blackberries, and mint leaves. Prep your ingredients and toss together then serve with a nice light dressing made with a light olive oil, lemon or lime juice and zest, salt, and pepper to taste. Mix the ingredients and toss in with your salad. This is a nice refreshing salad that is healthy for you. Above is a pic of the protection soup.

What I want to explain now is a couple teas and paste. The first tea I want to explain is a exorcism tea. This tea is used to rid negativity. All you need is black tea, basil, mint, peach, pepper, and rosemary. Brew your tea, add the spices, and float peach chunks in the tea. This tea is best served warm. This next tea is to help gain courage and strength. All you need is black tea, ground or fresh ginger, and honey to taste. Brew your tea and enough ginger and honey to your tasting. This teas is best served warm. The first paste I want to mention is used to maintain health. For this paste you need honey as the base and for the spices you need thyme, nutmeg, caraway, and walnuts. If you can't find caraway it can be replaced with coriander or marjoram. Mix all the spices together add some honey and consume. This next paste is used to attain longevity. For this paste you need maple syrup (the real stuff. Not the imitation cheap stuff), sage, peach, lemon juice, and lavender if available. juice half a lemon and add the sage, peach chunks and lavender, then add enough maple syrup to make a paste and consume.

As I mentioned in the post these recipes are not to be used to replace any medicines or doctor visits. This are just to be used for small minor cases such as aches and pains or with any the problems listed in the description of the items that you are going to consume. As I mentioned before I hope you all enjoy this post and if you agree to try any of these recipes please leave a comment on what you chose to use and how you thought about it. Also if you chose to try any of these recipes and are allergic to any of the ingredients or can't find an ingredient just let me know I will give you a substitute. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post.  

Monday, October 5, 2015

Earth Magic Part II - Teas & Paste

Earth Magic Part II - Teas & Paste

I promised myself I would do another post about Earth Magic. So with that said here is it. I want to invite you to Earth Magic Part II. In this post I am going to focus on how to incorporate flowers, plants, herbs, and spices into teas and paste. The teas and paste I mention in this post are those I learned from my spirit guide Floyd. He has given me plenty of different teas that are used for different things. But the paste are something new that he has been teaching me for the past couple months or so. Now I haven't given these teas out to a lot people because I know people have their different beliefs in different things. Some people will look at these teas or paste as being a magic spell or some sort of magic potion and to be honest that is exactly what they are. But they aren't bad potions because they are used mostly for healing of small aches and pains. There are also some that are used for calming, controlling anger, hunger cravings, and even to help ease colds. I chose this topic because I know some people don't like to fool with doctors or over the counter medicine all the time especially if they only have something like a small ache or pain. I myself am not a fan of doctors so I find myself making and drinking these teas all the time but I don't advise anyone to replace medicine or doctors with these teas and paste. These are not a replacement for real medical help. If you are truly in pain I would seek professional medical help. 

Now to get into some of these teas. The first tea I want to explain to you is a teas for spirit and body cleansing. This tea is so simple to make all you need is green tea bags, lemon, and honey. You can make this tea to your likeness with as much honey and lemon that you like. This tea should be drank when you are feeling negative or uneasy emotions. It is best drank while warm but it can also be drank cold for those cold tea drinkers out there. This next tea I want to get into is used for appetite cravings. To make this tea you will need black tea bags, cinnamon, hot pepper flakes, lemon, fresh mint leaves, fresh sage leaves, and fresh basil leaves. This tea may seem a little complicated to make it isn't. This has to be drank cold so the first step would be to brew and sweeten your tea and let it get cold in the fridge. The next step is to take a few mint leaves, a couple basil leaves, and a large sage leaf and rip them into pieces. Them put them in something that you can use to muddle them up with. Then muddle them together with a little of your cold tea until it is combined and broken down. Then shake it up with the rest of your tea for a few seconds then strain it into a glass and throw away the muddles leaves. Then cut the lemon into wedges and squeeze a couple of them in the glass with the tea. Then add the cinnamon and hot pepper flakes and stir to incorporate. Add the squeezed lemon wedges to the glass and enjoy. 

To make the paste all you need is honey for the base of the paste or if you don't like honey you can use agave syrup or even peanut butter as the base. The first paste I want to give you is for boosting the immune system. All you need to make this is honey, fresh mint leaves, and a few drops of water. First you want to start off by putting your mint leaves in something you can use to muddle them. Add a few drops of water to mint and muddle them together until it breaks down and is similar looking to pesto. Then you put the mint mixture on a spoon and add honey to it and eat it. That's all it takes and this is something good to take when your coming off a cold. This next paste I want to get into is used for visions during meditation or channeling. What you will need is salt, pepper, dried or rubbed sage, cinnamon, ground ginger, a couple of spearmint leaves, and honey. All you have to is take the spearmint leaves and rip them into small pieces and mix them with a pinch of each of the other spices. Then put the spice mixture on a spoon and top it with honey and consume. Like I mentioned earlier if you don't like honey and choose to use peanut butter just follow the instructions except add the spice mixtures to the peanut butter, mix well and enjoy. If you use agave syrup just use it like you would use the honey. 

There are plenty more recipes I have but they are in a notebook that I misplaced during cleaning and rearranging my room. I chose to share these recipes because these are the few that I had saved in my cellphone. But as I said before these recipes are used as little pick me ups and even though some of the ingredients may seem a little crazy but I promise you if you give them a try you will come to love them just as much I do. Also the ingredients in the teas can used as paste if you don't have tea on hand and vise versa if you don't have honey on hand then add the paste ingredients to a tea of your choice. If you like flavored teas then you can use them as well. The possibilities are endless. I hope you enjoy this post and give these recipes a try. Once I find my notebook I will come back with more recipes to share with you guys. Thank you for viewing.  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Animals vs. Humans: Who Really Calls Earth Home?

Animals vs. Humans: Who Really Calls Earth Home?

Many of us humans here on earth believe that we can do whatever we want to animals because we call this place home. Many of us don't realize that the animals called this place home before we did. I'm not gonna get all religious with post but I do want to say that God put animals on earth before he did humans. I just want to say that not to long ago I read a post that some girl put up on Facebook. Now in this post she was complaining about all the deer being at a campsite where her and her family were camping at. In this post she had said " I wish we would have brought our guns so we could have went hunting. I am sick and tired of animals taking over our parks and campsites. Where do they get off thinking they belong here. They either belong on my plate or in a zoo." Now after reading this I got very upset and wanted to comment so bad about how stupid and uneducated this girls was. How can any human think that Earth belongs to them and them only. Animals were here before we were and as much as it hurts to say this animals are the only reason we have meat to eat. Just think about a world with no animals. We as humanity would not have meat, eggs, milk, cheese, and other foods. 

Now this post isn't about what animals offer us as a meal. This post is about how we treat animals. There a lot of people in the world that love animals and I am one of those people but there more people in the world who hate animals. i mean look at poachers who poach certain animals for money. That is wrong on so many level because most of the animals that are being poached are becoming extinct. A lot of people will kill and animal for no reason at all. But the one thing that really pisses me off with humanity is when they accuse animals of being violent towards humans. For example when a tiger or loin at the zoo or circus attacks and kills a trainer or zoo keeper its the animals faults but in reality its really the trainer or zoo keepers fault. I don't blame the animals for attacking humans because humans are capturing them for their homes and using them for entertainment. These are wild animals and they don't belong in captivity. When a shark attacks a surfer or swimmer the shark is to blame when it is really the surfer and swimmer who is the blame. If you saw a stranger creeping around your home your first thought is intruder and your instinct is to attack to protect yourself and family.

Animals think the same as we do. A shark sees a surfer or swimmer as an intruder in it's home so it attacks. It's not targeting us as a meal it's just trying to protect itself. Animals are really no different from us. They live to survive and care of themselves and their families just like we do. So why do we treat them as if their different? We do this because we strive to be at the top of the food chain. I mean I believe we as humans murder more humans a year then animals do humans. I also believe that we are not at the top of the food chain and never will be because we are not meant to be. I believe the top of the food chain belongs to whatever species can survive for many years. We as humans cannot survive for many years. Most of us nowadays freak out when we don't have our internet, cellphones, cable, TV's, vehicles etc. Animals don't have to worry about things like that and they are built for survival and to be honest we weren't. So in the end after weighing all the pros and cons I can happily say the animals are number one on earth. They are at the top of the food like they have been since the beginning of time. They have the right to call earth home more then we do. We came here and took over their homes when we started tearing down their homes to build ours. Animals should be treated with respect not like outcast. They have every right to attack and hurt us because they are just protecting their homes, families, and themselves. There're doing to us what we have done to them for years. If we would just stop hurting them and show them that we care for them and understand them then I know they will show us the same respect back.   

Homemade Chocolates and Easy Molding Techniques

Homemade Chocolates and Easy Molding Techniques

Hello everyone!!!! I know this is gonna seem like a random post but since this is the month of October and Halloween is just around the corner I wanted to take the time out to write about how to make homemade chocolates and mention a few easy molding techniques. Now one of my favorite homemade candies to make is fudge. Whether you are making chocolate, peanut butter, peppermint, or any other flavor just remember that fudge is one of the easiest candies to make. I love making layered fudge but some people find it difficult but it really is not as hard as you think. Since Christmas is only 3 months away I'll use peppermint fudge as an example. To make a layered peppermint fudge you must first start off by making the peppermint layer first. I make mine with white chocolate chips or white bakers chocolate, peppermint extract or mint extract, butter, and sweetened condensed milk. I also use red or green food coloring depending on which extract you use. Red for peppermint and green for mint. Once I get the fudge made I use that as my bottom layer and let it cool in a greased 8x8 square baking pan lined with wax or parchment paper. As the mint fudge is cooling I prepare my top layer which is chocolate fudge. I make my chocolate fudge with cocoa powder, powdered sugar, butter, milk, and vanilla extract. Once the chocolate fudge is made I pour it in top of the mint layer and let it cool for at least 4 hours in the fridge uncovered. Top picture at the top is of my chocolate peppermint layered fudge. 

Another easy candy to make is homemade chocolates. Now everyone knows chocolate is the number one selling candy at Halloween. I love to make my own homemade chocolates because I get to experiment with different flavors for the different Holidays. Like now for the Fall Holidays I can experiment with pumpkin flavors. One of the easiest ways to make homemade chocolates is chocolate chips or bakers chocolate. I love to make bark using these or I will make different candy shapes or even lollipops by using candy molds or silicone ice cube trays. I have made chocolates using the ice cubes with skull, pumpkins, and spider shapes for Halloween. I have used candy molds with zombies hand shapes and bone shapes as well. All you have to do is melt the chocolate and pour them into the molds and let the harden in the fridge for a little while and then you have different shapes of chocolates to use as decorations or just eat as is. For example last year for Halloween I made brownie cupcakes and decorated them with some zombie hands and bones that I made with melted white chocolate and green food coloring. I also used crushed chocolate graham crackers as dirt and sour gummy worms. The ending results were delicious, scary, and amazing to look at. The pic above is of the brownie cupcakes.  

 As I mention above there are many different types of molds out there to use. Besides the few that I mentioned above that I used for Halloween I have used a star shaped mold and made red, white, and blue stars for the Forth of July by melting down white chocolate and dividing it into threes and added red and blue food coloring. I also used flower shaped molds for spring and Easter candies. You can use the many different molds anything such as thanksgiving there are Fall leaves and turkey molds as well as the pumpkin or cornucopia molds.

Christmas there are so many more such as bells, Santa, reindeer, elves, etc. The possibilities are endless and they make amazing gifts for the Holidays. Who doesn't like chocolate and who doesn't like chocolate as a gift. So by making someone homemade chocolates as a gift is truly a gift from the heart. For all you couples out there buy a heart shaped mold and make homemade candies for your sweetheart on Valentines Day. If you buy a larger heart shaped mold you could get inventive and make filled chocolate hearts. Just imagine fellas you in the kitchen while you lady is at work or out shopping your making her creamed filled chocolate hearts with things like caramel, marshmallow, peanut butter, and even a mint cream. It  would blow her mind knowing that her man spent so much time actually making her something like that. It's something I do for my wife and she still gets surprised when I do it because its something that I don't everyday. Ladies you can do the same for your man for the holidays as well. Parents this is something that you can do for your kids and family as well. Make it a tradition and start something new for friends and family. Here are some pics of a few of my molds.

I hope you guys enjoy this post and if you have any suggestions, questions, or comments please post them below. I will post others topics like this closer to the other Holidays with other ideas and pics of tasty treats. Thank you reading.

Native American Prayer - To Awaken Your Spirit

Lakota Prayer

Great Mystery,
teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Galactic Information Monthly - October 2015

Galactic Information Monthly
October 2015

The following information was guided from the Galactic Federation Of Light, and all those who are for the betterment of Humanity. It is expected that there will be some Solar Flares occurring this month, and they could get pretty high. None should be extremely threatening, but be aware that this has been confirmed, and the Galactic's are working on controlling these from getting too bad. This month holds a lot of events, and you will notice a lot of high and low energy points. For any of the dates that are not mentioned, you can expect these days to be low to normal. The Galactic's have been giving the messages to connect more with nature to get more of these coding uploads that are being gifted to us. It is better connected with our bodies and spirits when we are outside. Also this is better for our spiritual advancements. So keep this in mind during this month. The Galactic Federation Of Light wants everyone to know that they are here to help, and if you need them all you need to do is go look out into the sky and call upon them.

Spiritual Awakening/Ascension/Advancement Uploads & Coding Days:
10/1 via Comet C2013 US10 Catalina
10/2 via Asteroid 2000SM10
10/3 via Asteroid  2015SR
10/8 via Draconoid Meteor Shower
10/10 via Asteroid  2000FL10
10/11 via Comet 22P/Kopff
10/18 via Asteroid 2014UR & 2011SE97
10/21 via Asteroid 2001 UY4
10/25 via Asteroid 29 Amphitrite & 22P Kopff

Galactic Calendar:
10/1 On this day M110 which is the Andromeda Galaxy will be well placed for observation, and it will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. Messages from the Andromedians will be more likely to come through on this day. So be sure to check out the Galaxy if you have a telescope, and be sure to connect with them if you are a channeler.

10/2 On this dayNGC253 which is the Sculptor Galaxy will be well placed for observation, and it will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. Messages from the Sculptors will be more likely to come through on this day. So be sure to check out the Galaxy if you have a telescope, and be sure to connect with them if you are a channeler. I know that messages from entities of this region are not widely spoken of, but they do have a lot to teach us.

10/3 Asteroid 15 Eunomia will be well placed for observation, lying in the constellation Pegasus. Regardless of your location on Earth, 15 Eunomia will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. With this comes a large increase in energy waves and vibrations.

10/4 The moon will be at its last quarter during this time, and you will notice much more urgency in completing things during this time. A lot more psychic and intuitive energy will be released on this night. So be sure to remember to take a look up in the sky. You should feel these effects even if the moon is not visible to you and your location. Also on this night we have the Milky Way’s dwarf companion, the Small Megellanic Cloud, or SMC, in Tucana. It will be well placed for observation, and is expected to reach its highest point at around midnight local time. This is a good time for Astral Travelers to go visiting this area, and for channelers to connect with some of the energies coming through from this region of the sky.

10/5 NGC 300 which is a Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor will be well placed for observation, and will be at its highest point at around midnight local time. Again you will feel energies emitting from this area, due to the extremely high energy vibrations from this region.

10/6 The Draconids minor meteor shower will be producing about 10 per hour from the constellation Draco. This will begin today and reach out until the 10th. You can expect connection with the Draco Constellation to remain open during this time, and messages are expected to come through for humanity. There will also be many personal codes sent out,

10/7 The Globular Cluster MGC 362 in Tucana will be in the highest point of the sky at around midnight local time. Be aware that there will be an extra portal of energy open during this time for channelers to receive messages.

10/8 The Conjunction between the Moon and Venus will occur on this night. The moon and Venus will make a close approach and pass one another from our view in the sky of a degree of only .39 of each other. This night will be good for connection with the feminine side of things. Whether this is Mother God, Mother Earth, or the feminine and caring side of yourself. Be aware of this side of yourself during this day, because it will aid you in the days to come.

10/9 The Conjunction between the Moon and Mars will occur on this night. The moon and mars will make a close approach of passing one another from our view of the sky. This night will be good for connection with the masculine side of things. It will be important to find the masculine parts of ourselves during this day. In addition, it will be wise to watch our tempers, because this day may bring increased emotions.

10/10 The Draconids minor meteor shower will be closing tonight, and with it the coding uploads and portals of communication will too. Get in any channelings now, because after tonight it will be a bit harder to reach them.

10/11 The moon will reach the furthest point along its orbit to Earth, and will appear slightly smaller than at other times. This is called The Moon at Apogee. What this time normally brings is a lull in emotions, and calmness throughout everything. Think of how the full moon effects people and raises their emotions. Well this time will be kind of like the opposite. You may also experience a lull in energy as well. Think of this day like a time to relax a bit.

10/12 Uranus will be well placed for observation in the constellation of Pisces. It will be visible for much of the night, and will reach its highest point in the sky around midnight local time. This will bring an increase in spiritual energy.

10/13 The New Moon will rise on this night bringing a time of cleansing and loads of purifying energies along with it.

10/14 The Triangulum Galaxy will be well placed for observation, and will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This will be a good time to connect with this region of the sky and explore. You may be surprised at what you find!

10/15 The Moon at Perihelion will be on this night which means the moon’s monthly orbit around Earth will bring it to its closest point to the sun. This should bring everyone a feeling of connection with the world around you. It should be a peaceful time, and very little arguments should  arise. For those who are spiritual awakened enough, this will mean a full connection with the world, sky, and high beings above.

10/16 The moon and Saturn from our point in the sky will appear to make a close approach of passing one another. This means that both energies from the Moon and of Saturn will be applied to us. With the moon comes connection with the divine, and with Saturn comes accomplishment and transition. So we can expect today to bring a large energy of spiritual work being finished or worked on. This night will also bring very high waves of energy coming through. Also some shooting stays associated with the Orionis Meteor Shower will begin tonight and begin to peak as the days progress. This will bring in personal uploads and coding which will be custom to each person’s personal level of spirituality.

10/20 On this day the moon will be at first quarter, and will bring in a lot of rejuvenating energy for motivation and to get things done. This whole week you may notice a pull towards getting things accomplished, and setting new goals. This will be a very good time to look ahead.

10/21 The Orionid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity today. You can expect the maximum rate of meteors to be expected in a dim area to be about 25 per hour. The moon may present an interference due to the illumination. But do not worry if you cannot see these shooting stars. The energy emitting from them will be very strong, and should be felt by all!

10/25 The moon’s monthly orbit around the Earth will carry it to its furthest point from the Sun, which is called its aphelion. During this time you can expect energies to be back to normal, and things should be moving at a steady rate. Emotions should be general during this time, and not have too much uprisings. Also on this night the beings of Perseus and the stay cluster NGC 869 will be reaching out to earth. You can expect messages to come through to some channelers who are of high enough vibrations to receive the transmissions.

10/26 Venus will be giving much more energy today than normal. Connecting with the energies of Venus will be good for those who know how to do that. Otherwise, you can expect energies to be very pleasant, and things should be going very well in relation to emotions. Personal Energy Vibrations should be high today. Also the moon will reach its closest point to the Earth today, and will appear slightly larger than at other times. This close approach will occur when the Moon is almost at full phase, and so it will appear unusually large and bright. This is mainly referred to as a supermoon. This will be a very wonderful night for meditation, spiritual practices, and for sky gazing. You can expect energies to be very high, and connection with the Galactic's will be at a high during this day. Also for the channelers out there, look for messages coming through from the open star cluster NGC 884 in Perseus.

10/27 The Full Moon is tonight, and being right after a Super Moon than means that this night will be wonderful for energy work. There will also be a few portals opening bringing through some information as well as entities through. You can expect these to be of high vibration, and they will be assisting humanity, but this will be in very discreet ways. Channeling sessions, meditations, and all forms of spiritual work will be very good today.

10/28 Conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. A rare, 3-planet conjunction will be visible on the morning of October 28. The planets Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will all form a tight 1-degree triangle in the early morning sky. Look to the east just before sunrise for this spectacular event which will bring through much purifying and powerful energy.

10/30 The Orionid Meteor Shower should be coming to a close tonight, and with it the energies and personal advancements will be as well. This will give way to becoming adjusted to all of the information that was given to you.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

All I Need (In My Life) - A Dedication To My Wife

I made this song as a dedication to my lovely and beautiful wife Melody. I love you with all my heart and my life would be incomplete with out you. Thank you for always being there for me. You are my everything.

All I Need (In My Life) 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My Coven Family

My Coven Family

 My Coven Family only has 3 members so far. We consist of my wife Melody, her cousin Xander, and myself Dwayne. We have only been a Coven for a few months now but we all have been practicing the craft for a while. We each have our own element with Melody being an water element, Xander the air element, and myself the earth element. We are currently waiting for our fire element to enter our lives to complete the circle.

          We treat each other like family because we are family. Melody grew up with all brothers. She has 2 older brothers and 1 younger brother. Xander grew up with all sisters. He has 2 older sisters and 1 younger sister. I grew up with no siblings. I was the only child. I never really knew what it was like growing up with brothers or sisters. Melody never got to experience growing with a sister and Xander never experienced growing up with a brother. Now with Melody being my wife I can say that even being apart of a Coven we still can't experience what it's like having a sister around but Xander and I can experience whats it's like having a brother around and it's pretty cool. I am older than him so it's like I'm the big brother and he's the younger brother but it's cool. We help each other out when needed and give each other advice. I am hoping that our fire element is a female so Melody and I can experience having a sister around.

         When we decided to form our Coven we commenced it with a ceremony that I prepared to make it official. Since I am of shamanic decent I made a powerful tea and wrote a chant to help out with the ceremony. We lit candles to have the element of fire during the ceremony since it was only the three of us. We try to have a meeting once or twice a week to where we talk about different things that we could do to help increase our abilities as well as practice different spells and we sometimes even make jewelry. We spend as much time together as we can because we are all connected to each other spiritually and can feel each others emotions. Since we are all psychics we tend channel together sometimes and share that information with each other. We star gaze almost every night to receive messages from our galactic friends from above. This is how we spend our family time together. Besides going shopping and going out to eat, or even going to the beach we tend to really focus on increasing our abilities. But there are some things that we don't do that I really would love for us to do and that is open up to each other more.

        Melody and Xander have trouble expressing anger and I have have trouble expressing sadness. All this stems from our childhoods. Since they both are better at expressing and controlling their sadness I believe they can help me with my problem. Since I can express and control my anger I can help them out with their problem. But since things like this take time I feel like if we start having more deeper conversations during our meetings we could actually become each others therapist in a way since we are all so close. We all have our own little problems but we don't let them in the way of our connection with each other. I feel like we are important to each other right now and when we feel like we can't trust anyone else or we can't turn to anyone for help, then we can trust and turn to each other for anything. I can say that to me they are the most important people in my life right now and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love these two crazy people and I hope they feel same about me. AHG FOREVER!!!!!!

If you interested in viewing any of our websites click the links below

Melody's Website:

Xander's Website: