Galactic Information Monthly
October 2015
The following information was
guided from the Galactic Federation Of Light, and all those who are for the
betterment of Humanity. It is expected that there will be some Solar Flares
occurring this month, and they could get pretty high. None should be extremely
threatening, but be aware that this has been confirmed, and the Galactic's are
working on controlling these from getting too bad. This month holds a lot of
events, and you will notice a lot of high and low energy points. For any of the
dates that are not mentioned, you can expect these days to be low to normal.
The Galactic's have been giving the messages to connect more with nature to get
more of these coding uploads that are being gifted to us. It is better
connected with our bodies and spirits when we are outside. Also this is better
for our spiritual advancements. So keep this in mind during this month. The
Galactic Federation Of Light wants everyone to know that they are here to help,
and if you need them all you need to do is go look out into the sky and call
upon them.
Awakening/Ascension/Advancement Uploads & Coding Days:
10/1 via Comet C2013 US10
10/2 via Asteroid 2000SM10
10/3 via Asteroid 2015SR
10/8 via Draconoid Meteor
10/10 via Asteroid 2000FL10
10/11 via Comet 22P/Kopff
10/18 via Asteroid 2014UR
& 2011SE97
10/21 via Asteroid 2001 UY4
10/25 via Asteroid 29
Amphitrite & 22P Kopff
Galactic Calendar:
10/1 On this day M110 which
is the Andromeda Galaxy will be well placed for observation, and it will reach
its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. Messages from the
Andromedians will be more likely to come through on this day. So be sure to
check out the Galaxy if you have a telescope, and be sure to connect with them
if you are a channeler.
10/2 On this dayNGC253 which
is the Sculptor Galaxy will be well placed for observation, and it will reach
its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. Messages from the Sculptors
will be more likely to come through on this day. So be sure to check out the
Galaxy if you have a telescope, and be sure to connect with them if you are a
channeler. I know that messages from entities of this region are not widely
spoken of, but they do have a lot to teach us.
10/3 Asteroid 15 Eunomia will
be well placed for observation, lying in the constellation Pegasus. Regardless
of your location on Earth, 15 Eunomia will reach its highest point in the sky
at around midnight local time. With this comes a large increase in energy waves
and vibrations.
10/4 The moon will be at its
last quarter during this time, and you will notice much more urgency in
completing things during this time. A lot more psychic and intuitive energy
will be released on this night. So be sure to remember to take a look up in the
sky. You should feel these effects even if the moon is not visible to you and
your location. Also on this night we have the Milky Way’s dwarf companion, the
Small Megellanic Cloud, or SMC, in Tucana. It will be well placed for
observation, and is expected to reach its highest point at around midnight
local time. This is a good time for Astral Travelers to go visiting this area,
and for channelers to connect with some of the energies coming through from
this region of the sky.
10/5 NGC 300 which is a
Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor will be well placed for observation, and will be at
its highest point at around midnight local time. Again you will feel energies
emitting from this area, due to the extremely high energy vibrations from this
10/6 The Draconids minor
meteor shower will be producing about 10 per hour from the constellation Draco.
This will begin today and reach out until the 10th. You can expect
connection with the Draco Constellation to remain open during this time, and
messages are expected to come through for humanity. There will also be many
personal codes sent out,
10/7 The Globular Cluster MGC
362 in Tucana will be in the highest point of the sky at around midnight local
time. Be aware that there will be an extra portal of energy open during this
time for channelers to receive messages.
10/8 The Conjunction between
the Moon and Venus will occur on this night. The moon and Venus will make a
close approach and pass one another from our view in the sky of a degree of
only .39 of each other. This night will be good for connection with the
feminine side of things. Whether this is Mother God, Mother Earth, or the
feminine and caring side of yourself. Be aware of this side of yourself during
this day, because it will aid you in the days to come.
10/9 The Conjunction between
the Moon and Mars will occur on this night. The moon and mars will make a close
approach of passing one another from our view of the sky. This night will be
good for connection with the masculine side of things. It will be important to
find the masculine parts of ourselves during this day. In addition, it will be
wise to watch our tempers, because this day may bring increased emotions.
10/10 The Draconids minor
meteor shower will be closing tonight, and with it the coding uploads and
portals of communication will too. Get in any channelings now, because after
tonight it will be a bit harder to reach them.
10/11 The moon will reach the
furthest point along its orbit to Earth, and will appear slightly smaller than
at other times. This is called The Moon at Apogee. What this time normally
brings is a lull in emotions, and calmness throughout everything. Think of how
the full moon effects people and raises their emotions. Well this time will be
kind of like the opposite. You may also experience a lull in energy as well.
Think of this day like a time to relax a bit.
10/12 Uranus will be well
placed for observation in the constellation of Pisces. It will be visible for
much of the night, and will reach its highest point in the sky around midnight
local time. This will bring an increase in spiritual energy.
10/13 The New Moon will rise
on this night bringing a time of cleansing and loads of purifying energies
along with it.
10/14 The Triangulum Galaxy
will be well placed for observation, and will reach its highest point in the
sky at around midnight local time. This will be a good time to connect with
this region of the sky and explore. You may be surprised at what you find!
10/15 The Moon at Perihelion
will be on this night which means the moon’s monthly orbit around Earth will
bring it to its closest point to the sun. This should bring everyone a feeling
of connection with the world around you. It should be a peaceful time, and very
little arguments should arise. For those
who are spiritual awakened enough, this will mean a full connection with the
world, sky, and high beings above.
10/16 The moon and Saturn
from our point in the sky will appear to make a close approach of passing one
another. This means that both energies from the Moon and of Saturn will be
applied to us. With the moon comes connection with the divine, and with Saturn
comes accomplishment and transition. So we can expect today to bring a large
energy of spiritual work being finished or worked on. This night will also
bring very high waves of energy coming through. Also some shooting stays
associated with the Orionis Meteor Shower will begin tonight and begin to peak
as the days progress. This will bring in personal uploads and coding which will
be custom to each person’s personal level of spirituality.
10/20 On this day the moon
will be at first quarter, and will bring in a lot of rejuvenating energy for
motivation and to get things done. This whole week you may notice a pull
towards getting things accomplished, and setting new goals. This will be a very
good time to look ahead.
10/21 The Orionid meteor
shower will reach its maximum rate of activity today. You can expect the
maximum rate of meteors to be expected in a dim area to be about 25 per hour.
The moon may present an interference due to the illumination. But do not worry
if you cannot see these shooting stars. The energy emitting from them will be
very strong, and should be felt by all!
10/25 The moon’s monthly
orbit around the Earth will carry it to its furthest point from the Sun, which
is called its aphelion. During this time you can expect energies to be back to
normal, and things should be moving at a steady rate. Emotions should be
general during this time, and not have too much uprisings. Also on this night
the beings of Perseus and the stay cluster NGC 869 will be reaching out to
earth. You can expect messages to come through to some channelers who are of
high enough vibrations to receive the transmissions.
10/26 Venus will be giving
much more energy today than normal. Connecting with the energies of Venus will
be good for those who know how to do that. Otherwise, you can expect energies
to be very pleasant, and things should be going very well in relation to
emotions. Personal Energy Vibrations should be high today. Also the moon will
reach its closest point to the Earth today, and will appear slightly larger
than at other times. This close approach will occur when the Moon is almost at
full phase, and so it will appear unusually large and bright. This is mainly referred
to as a supermoon. This will be a very wonderful night for meditation,
spiritual practices, and for sky gazing. You can expect energies to be very
high, and connection with the Galactic's will be at a high during this day. Also
for the channelers out there, look for messages coming through from the open
star cluster NGC 884 in Perseus.
10/27 The Full Moon is
tonight, and being right after a Super Moon than means that this night will be
wonderful for energy work. There will also be a few portals opening bringing
through some information as well as entities through. You can expect these to
be of high vibration, and they will be assisting humanity, but this will be in
very discreet ways. Channeling sessions, meditations, and all forms of
spiritual work will be very good today.
10/28 Conjunction of Venus,
Mars, and Jupiter. A rare, 3-planet conjunction will be visible on the morning
of October 28. The planets Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will all form a tight
1-degree triangle in the early morning sky. Look to the east just before sunrise
for this spectacular event which will bring through much purifying and powerful
10/30 The Orionid Meteor
Shower should be coming to a close tonight, and with it the energies and
personal advancements will be as well. This will give way to becoming adjusted
to all of the information that was given to you.