Sunday, December 27, 2015

Social Media & Technology

Social Media & Technology

Everybody knows that social media and technology is the future. Everyday someone is inventing something new in the world of technology. Everyday someone is posting something or improving something that has to do with social media. Needless to say I am not really all that excited about technology or social media. I am about to tell you all of my reasons (pros & cons) about both social media and technology. First and foremost let say that I do have a Facebook account and a YouTube account as well as accounts on other sites such as blogger. I also use and as selling formats for my online business. These are some of the pros of having these different accounts. Some of the pros are that using sites such as Facebook are good for keeping in touch with friends and family that may be living far away in another state. Facebook is also good for attracting customers if you are a business owner or trying launch a business. These are some of the key examples that I think make Facebook good. Now here are my reasons why I think Facebook is no good. First of all I don't like it when people use Facebook like its a cellphone. When people rather message you all the time on Facebook instead of picking up the phone and calling you. If you don't have that someone's number just ask them for it since all you gonna do is message them on Facebook anyway. My other problem with Facebook is the people who use it for bullying and causing trouble for other people. I feel like the owners of Facebook should terminate the accounts of bullies but they don't. But if a mother posts up a pic of her breast feeding it's considered offensive and removed. To me that is some bullshit. I feel like I rather see something as pure as breast feeding on Facebook and not that is considered bullying. 

I now want to talk about YouTube. As I mentioned above I do have a account with YouTube and I really like it. I love posting videos and reading comments left by the viewers if they choose to leave them. I also love watching and commenting on others videos as well. The one thing I don't like is when yet again when I see videos targeting people and bullying people. I mean this type of actions are so played out. You have the kids bullying other kids and the parents act like their kids are right for bullying other kids. To be honest I would be an asshole to the parents of the kids who bullying my kids. For example if my kids were be bullied and I was the owner of a store and the parents of the kids bullying my kids worked there they would be fired. Why would I fire them you ask? Well if they knew their kids were bullying my kids but as well as other kids and they did nothing to stop it then I would put a stop to it by firing their parents and have their parents tell them it is because of you mommy and daddy got fired today. I mean in reality you can't really do much to stop these things because children have been rebellious against their parents for years I mean even Jesus was a little rebellious. But if we don't try to teach children at an young age about things like this then we never stop it. 

Another thing that bothers me about social media is when people use it to contact their friends or neighbors when they literally live a few houses down from you. I once heard a lady talking to her sister about messaging the neighbor on Facebook  about getting the families together. Her sister asked her why don't just call her and her response was were to busy to make phone calls. Her sister then asked her why don't just go over her house since she lives four houses down from you. Her then response was because whenever she is home is when she spends time with her family. After I overheard that bullshit I realized that there are some people who is completely hooked on social media that they rather send a neighbor a message then go speak with them face to face. I mean I see people become hermits because they choose not to leave social media alone. I read an article about a woman who said that she was do addicted to Facebook that she said it ruined her life. She wrote about how she would call out work sick days in a row just so she could spend the day playing the games, reading post, writing post, and waiting to see how many likes or comments she get. To make a long story short she lost her job and her family. She missed her own daughters college graduation and her husband divorced her because she became a slob and her got tired of cleaning up her mess she was leaving around the house. After reading that article I thought how can she blame Facebook for something that she chose to do out of her own free will. 

Now I would also like to say that yes I know that all of these things aren't caused by Facebook and YouTube but by the people who choose to do these things. I just feel like there are more cons to these sites then there are pros. I also want to talk about technology and how sometimes I feel like why was it even invented. For example cellphones are a blessing and a curse depending your actions. It is a blessing because you can talk to people when your not home hence the best invention since the home phone. Texting is good as well as long as its used as good. Cellphones became a curse when people started to talk on the phone while driving. It got even worse when people started texting and driving. Once again it took humanity to ruin something good for everybody. Just like the invention of the computer. When the computer got better over the years people could send each other messages and meet new friends online in chat rooms. Playing online games was fun and visiting new websites was exciting until......emails turned into stalking and threatening messages from that so called new friend you met in the chat room. Bullying became popular because its easy to be a coward when your hiding behind a screen and no one can see you. 

I know have been rambling on about social media and technology and how there's a lot of messed up things wrong with them but like I mentioned before it's humanity that ruined these good inventions. I mean yes there is a lot of good uses in the world of technology and social media but for every good use there is 100 bad uses that follow. So in the end we shouldn't blame technology or social media. We should blame ourselves as humanity for always taking good things and ruining them with our selfish ways and actions. If we would all just think about how much good can be done with these inventions and less about how we can use them to hurt others we could actually just maybe change the world using technology and social media.        

Holiday Coupon Code For My Etsy Shop

Hello!! We hope that your month is moving along smoothly and the love of the season is filling your days with joy. We also wanted to share with you a special we're having for this month for our Dark Secret Creations Etsy Shop.

10% off your purchase of $20 or more.
Expires December 31, 2015
Coupon Code: PEACE4U

This is good for your entire cart purchase as well. We are also offering a free Tarot or Oracle one card reading with each purchase over $10. This is to help show everyone our appreciation and love. The decks for the free reading special we have available are the following...

Archangel Power Tarot
Angel Tarot
Cats Oracle
Guilded Tarot
Shaman Tarot
Shaman Oracle
Past Life Oracle
Animal Spirit Messages Oracle
Earth Magic Oracle
Energy Oracle
Shaman Wisdom Oracle

Yes lol we have a lot of decks, but we are passionate about them all. So I hope this helps. Just keep it in mind if you need assistance this month. Have a beautiful day, and may the light of the season shine down upon you and yours.

Cosmic Blessings,
Melody & Dwayne

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Galactic Information Monthly - December 2015

Galactic Information Monthly - December 2015

Galactic Information Monthly
            December 2015

Many good things are occurring here on earth. We are prepared to give you this information, because we know that it will be beneficial to you. Healing energies will be released, and this will be in more than just the physical plane. Your Emotions and Spirits will also benefit from this. This is due to some of our ships being deployed out to send the healing energies around the earth. They will go wherever the energies are the lowest. On another note full global disclosure of information is soon going to be finalized. We are in the ending stages of some amazing things. We acknowledge that many things are happening on your planet, and war is in the minds of some. The governments of humanity believe they have the upper advantage, and we cannot reveal everything. But know that we are on the upswing, and we have plans coming forward. In the coming months many of you will notice events occurring, some of these will be bad, and some will be covered up. Some of these will have to do with “alien” and “ufo”, as you call them, sightings. There will be knowledge coming forward, and you will be safe to know that this is us. We are for the betterment of humanity; we are for global peace and cosmic love. We are here to connect all with the realms of light through way of ascension. Embrace and continue to learn love children!!   

Galactic Calendar:
*Any dates that are not seen are regular days*

Today the moon is in its last quarter, the waning moon. This is when the moon is decreasing in size, moving from the Full Moon towards the New Moon. This is a time for spells that banish, release, and reverse. This is a time to break bad habits or bad addictions, to end bad relationships. This is a time of deep intuition and a time for divination. Be sure to review endeavors and correct mistakes, settle disputes and make amends. 

There will be some light codes released today from the starship being close to earth. They will be releasing energy on this day to prepare us for the entire month ahead. 

Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 2012 WA13 which is an asteroid passing closely by the earth.

Today Comet C/2014 S2 (PANSTARRS) is forecast to reach its brightest in the sky. This will not be visible to all, but this comet will bring some much needed rejuvenation energy for us all. This day brings a coming time when energies will be moving higher. 

Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 2012 VZ145 which is an asteroid passing closely by the earth.

On this day Comet C/2015 S2 (PANSTARRS) will make its closest approach to the Sun. This will be like a boost for shooting the energy around our solar system. This day, and the coming days will be a perfect time for channeling sessions with the Galactics and higher beings. This will be a wonderful time for spiritual purposes. Also the Puppid-Velid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity, about 15 per hour. This shower is known to increase the energies of earth by way of solar waves. Today will be a powerful day. Expect increased energies in the days to come. 

Today Comet 204P/LINEAR-NEAT will make its closest approach to the Sun. The Galactics are saying that this Comet will help open a portal to prepare for the energetic uploads to go along with the energy of the New Moon. This will also be in effects tomorrow and the day after. 

Today is the New Moon or Dark Moon which is when the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun and therefor hidden.  This is a time of new beginnings and new undertakings. A soothing time of rest and planning for new beginnings; new growth; love, the beginning of or renewing of; bringing things in; regeneration; give thanks. Put ideas in motion, become engaged, and make long term relationship plans. This is a time to set new goals and review old ones for both the long and short term, and relates to the planting of the seeds. Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 1998 WT24 which is an asteroid passing closely by the earth.

Across much of the world the Milky Way’s dwarf companion, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), in Dorado, will be well placed for communication and observation. It is expected to reach its highest point in the sky around midnight local time. It is expected that this portal of communication will remain open for the week after this day. 

This day may pose as stressful for those attached to mundane things such as cellphones, computers, etc. There is no bad energy causing this, but there will be some increased solar energies on this day. This will be raising the vibrations of those awakened and lowering others. This shift should only last a day, but the effects may be felt days after. This is ultimately good. 

The Germinid Meteor Shower will reach its maximum rate of activity today. Some of the stars are expected to be visible from Dec 7- Dec 16. In a dark location you can see about 100 per hour. This is a very big event. This shower comes from the constellation Gemini. So Gemini’s may feel this a bit stronger, but all should feel its effects very well. A portal of communication will be open and this shower is the key. Medium Channeling with higher entities will be open well and spiritual ascensions and uploads will too. 

The open star cluster NGC 1981 in Orion's sword will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This brings forth feelings of cosmic love to all. Also communication with the Orion high council and all other entities from this area will be strongly opened. This will be like a wormhole of connection. Astral Travelers can take advantage of this and go exploring. Have fun and see what comes up! 

The Moon is at First Quarter; Waxing Moon which means the moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon. This is a time for spells that attract, that bring positive change, spells for love, good luck, growth. This is a time for new beginnings, to conceptualize ideas, to invoke. 

Prepare for the days ahead on this day by purging yourselves from mundane things such as technology, even if you can only do this for a few hours. Spending some time outside will also do many people well. If you feel rather clogged emotionally today, then go get some fresh air and meditate. 

Today is the Winter Solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. This time is a Holiday to most, but the Solstice is a Wiccan and Pagan day of celebration. This day will have good energy. Also the Ursid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity today. Some shooting stars associated with the shower are expected to be visible each night from 17 Dec to 25 Dec. But the full moon being close may decrease visibility. This shower comes from Ursa Minor, so keep this in mind for your spiritual needs and intergalactic channeling. 

Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 2011 YD19 and 2003 SD220 which are asteroids passing closely by the earth.

The Full Moon is tonight which is when the moon has reached its zenith, it forms a perfect silvery sphere in the sky. This is a time for spells that transform, increase psychic ability, for fertility spells and invocation to lunar goddesses. This is a time of strength, love and power. This is a very intuitive and productive time in Fertility; Magic; Dreams; Meditation; love; Matters of the home; Beauty; Money; Creativity; Psychic abilities, and is a time of heightened feelings. This is not a good time for major decisions. Major workings should occur now. This is the climax of the moon power. Also Asteroid 27 Euterpe will be well placed for observation, lying in the constellation Gemini. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This is a good balance to go with the moon energy. 

The Puppid–Velid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity tonight. Some shooting stars associated with the shower are expected to be visible each night from 17 Nov to Jan. The maximum rate of meteors expected to be visible from a dark location is around 15 per hour. This will be good for boosting coding uploads and crystal energy. 

For all those awakened spiritually, you can expect some good meditations to come through today. This is a gift from the Galactics and higher realms of light. Use this to your advantage and do some vision questing. 

The open star cluster NGC 2232 in Monoceros will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This is a good time for intergalactic channeling from this region of the sky. 

The open star cluster NGC 2244, in the rosette nebula in Monoceros, will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This is a good time for intergalactic channeling from this region of the sky. Crystal energy, coding uploads, and advancements will be boosted tonight due to 2008 CM which is an asteroid passing closely by the earth.


Today and tomorrow will be wonderful days for Astral Traveling. If you are aware of what this is and know how, then take advantage of this energy and do some adventuring in spirit form.