Galactic Federation of Light Update: Part 2-May 13, 2016
Transmission from: Regulus Ryon
Hello I am Ryon. New to you. I am here to share exciting news. Constellation M49's black hole is the leading omitter of cosmic rays from multiverse 302149. This numeric sequence totals 10 rention otherwise known as ruton or universal plasma cells. This creates new energy. Sectors of the crew are boarding a fleet to monitor the progress. We will be updating soon.
Transmission From:
Orion Hera Queen Lupus
High Greetings to all. Many wonder why the Galactic Light Crew doesn't descend down to earth. It is hard to do due to the fight between conversion of the organic cosmic oron rays which power ships technology your governments are learning about. Also this is due to the Reptilian Breeders using a core structure to determine the galactic needs of humanity. This core structure is manipulation. They feed information for advancement, but not the kind a growing and new learning world needs to start off with. Before your mass electrical wires were strung from poles we offered a wiser choice. This was for a non harming form of energy usable for all things. It was self sustaining and free to use for all. But the manipulators grew bold and offered other means which could be used for monetary gain. They knew it would drain the earth, but they didn't care. They wanted mineral sources to power their own technology aboard their vessels. So a pact was made, and we were shut down and forced away. Yet we Light Spreaders for truth will win. We haven't gone away. The time is approaching for a shift in power. The manipulators must step down so humanity can fully grow. We try to release the veil from around the earth, but it is a struggle. A time of black and white is coming. Yet many are still in the grey. To ascend there needs to be cosmic light which that veil is blocking. We cannot lift it with the ruling few of earth controlling and being lied to by the manipulating shape shifting breeders. They walk among you so be aware. Awaken your minds with spiritual growth. Break their hold with raised energy vibrations by reciting this "I Grow My Inner Light". Recite this and it will help break their hold. Blessings and Cosmic Light to you!!!