Monday, May 3, 2021

Gemstone Vision Grid: For Practicing Open Eyed Meditation


This is a Gemstone Vision Grid. I will be using this grid for practicing open eyed meditation. I have only done an open eyed meditation once a few years ago. I have been thinking about trying to do it again. I know I will need practice. The first time it happen it was completely random and it freaked me out. When it happen the first time I was in my bedroom just relaxing watching one of my meditation videos on YouTube. About 30 minutes into the video I started seeing figures and movement on my Tv screen. I watch YouTube on my TV. It all was so crazy to me. After doing some research I realized that I had just experienced an open eyed meditation. I was then excited about doing it again. It's been years since that night and I feel it's time for me to practice the art of open eyed meditation. If you look closely at the grid you will see a circle of gemstones with a small stack of gemstones in the middle. I built this grid based off a group of people sitting around a fire. The circle of gemstones represent the people. The stack in the middle represent the fire. I know Native Americans have done spirit circles or vision circles. Where they sit around a open fire and chant trying to receive visions. This is my way of doing that except I will be doing it using this gemstone grid. I think it's a pretty awesome idea and I can't wait to get started. If this works after some practice I will be updating here on blogger for anyone who may be interested.