Saturday, August 8, 2015

Card Of The Day-The Shaman’s Oracle: Hunter Of Abundance

Hunter of Abundance

Abundance means wealth in all its forms. The ability to provide for family, tribe or nation can come at a high price, but when the rewards are reaped we rejoice. For our ancestors it meant access to food, shelter, and warmth. Yet encounters with the Hunter of Abundance teaches us that today abundance is not only sufficient provision for those in our care, but also another kind of plenty: that of creativity and emotional stability, and a profound sense of spirit and love for all. It also means taking only enough for our needs, rather than our over-consumption.

This week expect: Plentifullness, certainty, love, well-being, creative motivations, strength of purpose, discovery of things hidden, resourcefulness, as well as sharing and spiritual sufficiency.

Thought to consider: You are the hunter of abundance. Wherever you go, you forage for the richest stores of good things, the utmost bounty that will encourage stability, strength, growth, and comfort within you. When you find these things you bring them home to bestow upon you who asked.

The Galactic’s presence on your journey proves a purpose. It is an overflowing of fruitfulness and riches of spirit, heart, and mind.

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