There is a good chance of polar geomagnetic storms approaching for the month of February. This is expected to come around February 3rd. This will aid in the preparation of energies throughout the month. When the solar wind streams are slowly moving, this creates a good time to bring through extra energy vibrations. This will also spark a lot of northern auroras. So if you live in an area which you can view those events, take advantage. But if not and you are an avid astral traveler, then make the northern part of the earth a stop so you can witness these beautiful auroras too. There are also some recent events which needs to be spoken of. Clouds in the stratosphere are very rare. However, for the past week they have been seen every day. They are beautifully colored clouds floating more than 80,000 feet above the earth. The air is very thin and clear there, but for the past few days there have been some shifts in the atmosphere as a result of the Galactic’s sending energy waves. Scientists refer to this as water crystallizing in the lower stratosphere and the ice crystals assemble into polar stratospheric clouds. As the sunlight shines through those small particles, it can create very bright iridescent colors which look like rainbows. These are normally around extreme cold, but they have been seen more southern than usual. This stratospheric cloud event is proof that the Galactic Federation Of Light is hard at work sending us much needed energies for the global ascension taking place. (Just research the term “STRATOSPHERIC CLOUD EVENT” and you will know what this looks like. We have seen a few rather small one’s in Delaware USA)
Today’s energies will begin fluctuating back to high energies. Most who are heightened to feel energy shifts, have been feeling rather low. Know that your time of heightening is coming. Today marks the beginning of a new beautiful month with the moon at the last quarter.
Today you’ll begin to feel some emotions being unleashed. Some may feel highs and some may feel lows. It depends on your spiritual energy and your vibrations. Coding uploads should be heightening in the days to come.
This day will have a feeling of connection. Those who are in advanced stages of awareness will feel the shifts happening today, but those who don’t than expect to feel them soon.
Today marks the decent onto earth. Some of the Galactic Federation will be reaching out to those who are aware enough to receive the messages. Some will be descending onto earth for a closer view of things. Some sightings may occur.
A lot of work for the Federation will be coming in the days leading up to the 10th, but it will be starting now. Humanity can expect highly raised energy vibrations. For some this may cause headaches. But they will be short lived. For those affected by the low energies of the end of January and beginning days of February, know that today marks the day of it leaving for mainly all of you.
Coding uploads will be available for those who seek. Enter into meditation or go outside and enter into connection to receive these uploads. These will be best if received in an outside location away from other people or as far away from city lights as you can get. Basically you want to be able to see the stars, but if it is cloudy, no worries just look up into the clouds. The coding uploads will begin with chills and energy surges. Expect them to range from subtle to advanced depending upon your state of awakening.
In the events of the next few days, today reaching the middle mark of the heightening of vibrations. These energy uploads and advancements will lead to great spiritual knowledge. Expect for today to have sustainable energies for getting work done. A few asteroids will be coming close to earth today, tomorrow, also off and on throughout the month. Know that they will contain much needed energies which all of you can tap into.
Today brings the New Moon, which is a time to set your mind on goals of the future. This marks a time when you should ask yourself what you want to get accomplished spiritually this month. Also across much of the world the globular cluster NGC 2808 in Carina will be well placed for observation and communication. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time, which is a good time to connect through telepathic channeling for those who are familiar with the technique.
Expect for today to contain a large amount of communication with those around you. This will be a good time to reach out to friends and loved ones. Connection with your fellow humans will be at a high.
Today will bring emotions running high. This will be a good thing, unless you are one who doesn’t think before you speak. Be sure to remain open to the energies around you. The shifts are still coming, it they are at a high peak.
The moon will be releasing energies into the earth today. This will be affecting the gravitational pull a bit. This will not be substantial; however, you can expect to feel a boost in emotions. This is a good day to focus your meditations on the moon.
Meditations in general will be high today, because there will be an energy surge being sent from us to you. Know that connecting into visions will be easier today for some, because this energy surge will be weakening the veil between physical and spiritual.
Today is a day of luck for some. Expect manifestations to be high today. Focus your mind on the good, and good will come.
Preparations will be made for humanity and tomorrow’s moon event. This will be a good day of relaxation. If you have a moment, be sure to take it to focus on your inner self. Physical energies will be at a low, but spiritual energies will be at a high. An asteroid will be coming close to earth today. This will bring some much needed energy for sustaining vibrations and ascension processes. You can tap into this energy through meditation.
Today the moon is at its first quarter. Take a moment to reflect on the month so far, and look at what is to come. Asteroid 5 Astraea will be well placed for observation, lying in the constellation Leo, well above the horizon for much of the night. Regardless of your location on the Earth, 5 Astraea will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. This will bring something we call an ascension package. This is the first in a series of asteroids which will contain the shifts available for those who want to receive them. This will aid you in your spiritual awakening and ascension process. This first one will prepare the mind for the higher dimensions. Before sleeping go outside and look up into the sky. Say out loud or within your mind that you wish to receive the gift, and it will be given as you sleep.
Today is a normal energy day. Not much will be occurring that needs to be mentioned, be aware of shifts to come within the upcoming week. An asteroid will be coming close to earth today. This will bring some much needed energy for sustaining vibrations and ascension processes. You can tap into this energy through meditation.
Today is a normal energy day. Not much will be occurring that needs to be mentioned, be aware of shifts to come within the upcoming week.
Today is a normal energy day. Not much will be occurring that needs to be mentioned, be aware of shifts to come within the upcoming week.
Bode's galaxy (M81, NGC 3031) in Ursa Major will be well placed for observation and communication. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time, which is a good time to connect through telepathic channeling for those who are familiar with the technique. This is like a portal opening, and the connection between those planets and yours will be heightened. Use it well. An asteroid will be coming close to earth today. This will bring some much needed energy for sustaining vibrations and ascension processes. You can tap into this energy through meditation.
Today is a normal energy day. Not much will be occurring that needs to be mentioned, be aware of shifts to come within the upcoming week.
Across much of the world the open star cluster NGC 3114 in Carina will be well placed for observation and communication. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time, which is a good time to connect through telepathic channeling for those who are familiar with the technique.
Today is the full moon. This is a time of reflection and increased intention. Be sure to have your energy and focus set on those things you want to achieve. Make it a point to meditate today, and to search within yourself for messages. They will be available if you’re open enough to receive. An asteroid will be coming close to earth today. This will bring some much needed energy for sustaining vibrations and ascension processes. You can tap into this energy through meditation.
Today is a normal energy day. Not much will be occurring that needs to be mentioned. An asteroid will be coming close to earth today. This will bring some much needed energy for sustaining vibrations and ascension processes. You can tap into this energy through meditation.
As the month begins to wrap up the shifts will still be coming. Ascension processes will be at a high. Some who have forgotten about their process will begin to re-awaken and follow their spiritual path.
A divine day is guided to you today. The shifts of the atmosphere will be here, and this could create winds. When and if the winds come in your area, know that it is the elemental energy of air cleansing the earth in preparation for higher stages of awakening.
The Galactic ships will be coming back around today. This will be to make sure the processes of the atmospheric shifts are in schedule. There could be sightings of UFO’s today. If that is the case, do not be alarmed.
Anger and frustration may be brought to light today, but do not worry because they will be cleansed away. Meditate and focus on those areas, and know that there is protection around you. Also across much of the world the open star cluster IC 2581 in Carina will be well placed for observation and communication. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time, which is a good time to connect through telepathic channeling for those who are familiar with the technique.
The open star cluster IC 2581 as earth calls it will be opened within the last two days of the month. This will send through some much needed cleansing energies to prepare for the times ahead. Focus your energy on the areas which need improvements, and try to see above a physical level and through physical worries into spiritual improvements.
Within the last day of this month it brings a time to reflect. This should be a lower energy day which will be a bit lazy for some. Tasks will still be accomplished, but be sure to take some you time. Meditation will be extremely heightened today. Communication with your Spirit Guides and the Galactic’s will also be heightened for some.