Monday, February 22, 2016

Wolf: Animal of The Week (Week of February 14-20)


What the Wolf represents:

What is the Wolf? The Wolf is a creature of high intelligence. It also has an high sense of loyalty and strength. The wolf is a great communicator as well as an social and friendly creature.  By using touch, body movements, eye contact as well as many complex vocal expressions, the wolf makes it's point understood. The power of the wolf brings forth instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. The Wolf also represents self reliance, endurance, companionship, and telepathy. It is a animal of power, courage, protection, generosity, compassion, and magic. The wolf could represent a perceived threat or a lack of trust in someone or your own feelings or actions. This animal also reflects sharp intelligence in dealing with important matters. In Norse mythology, the Wolf is a symbol for victory when ridden by Odin and the Valkyries upon the battlefield. As a Celtic symbol, the Wolf was a source of lunar power. Celtic lore states that the Wolf would hunt down the sun and devour it at each dusk so as to allow the power of the moon to come forth. Native Americans have long regarded wolves as teachers or pathfinders. In astrology, Wolf is represented by the Dog, Sirius, thought by many aboriginal tribes to be the home of the Ancients. The Wolf is a representative of deep faith, and profound understanding.Wolves are probably the most misunderstood of all wild animals. When you see the Wolf it's message for you is clearly an important one and will mostly involve facing your deepest fears. 

When the Wolf shows up, it means:
Characteristics and behaviors that no longer serve your spiritual purpose are being culled from you consciousness. Make cooperation a priority over competition. Valuable insights, ideas, and new teachings are coming your way, so pay close attention. It's important to maintain your self-esteem and integrity and deeply trust in your inner knowing, even when you feel misunderstood or misaligned. You're being spiritually and psychically protected at all times. 

Call on the Wolf when:
You feel lost with regard to a relationship, project, or your career, or else you're confused about your life path and purpose. You feel at one extreme pr the other with your social ties, either feeling isolated and alone or overly enmeshed with family and friends. You've been feeling a little too civilized lately and want to tap in to the wild and instinctual. You're having trouble discerning the sincerity and truth of what someone is communicating to you. You want to be more expressive in your communication, particularly by adding more body language and vocal inflection. 

If the Wolf is your Power Animal:  
You have a strong sense of family and community, an intuitive sense of social order, and are very affectionate with your friends and family. You would much rather avoid confrontations, but will fiercely defend yourself and your loved ones whenever necessary. You're very expressive verbally and non-verbally and can tell a story with a great deal of passion, sincerity, and animation. You're a natural born teacher, imparting knowledge based on experience more than from formal education. Although you're at ease with your closet friends and family, in most other situations you're actually quite shy. 

Wolf: Message of The Week:
     Your loyalty and faithfulness is misplaced by serving too many masters. "Whom do you serve?" is the question at hand here. When you compromise your personal integrity through misguided attempts to placate others out of fear of their disapproval or to avoid upsetting them, you deny your own inner authority and give away your power. You become their servant, and they, your masters. You allow this by assuming that another person or organization has greater knowledge, power, or spiritual wisdom than you, and put yourself in a "less than" position. While others may possess some of these attributes to a greater degree than you do, you can honor them as teachers not masters. 
     Children may rightly look to their parents for this sort of guidance. However, as they mature, it's appropriate that the leash to their parents' authority stretches and is eventually severed. The human error is to continue to project this parental authority onto other people and institutions, and then either subjugate their will or act in opposition to that perceived authority. Over a number of years, you may find yourself attached to the leashes of many masters, leading you to feel fragmented and, to some degree, powerless. Instead, take off all those collars, and let Spirit be your one true Master. Then you will experience true freedom.  

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