What the Hawk represents
The Hawk is a bird of prey. It is a very powerful and majestic creature. It is very smart and has excellent vision. To me the Hawk represents guardianship, creativity, courage, wisdom, sight, focus, and magic. The Hawk is the messenger of the spirit world.The hawk can soar high and reach the heavens effortlessly. Hawks are the protectors and visionaries of the Air. They hold the key to higher levels of consciousness. Hawks are associated with the number 14, and with the tarot card Temperance. The Temperance card represents the teaching of higher expressions of psychic ability and vision. When the hawk shows up in your life, be sensitive to the messages it may carry and be receptive to your own intuition. It has the ability to move between the seen and unseen realms gracefully, joining both worlds together. The hawk is a bird of the heavens, arranging the changes necessary to prompt our spiritual growth. Many Gods and Goddesses are associated with different kinds of Hawks. So when you see a Hawk then there are messages the Gods are trying to get to you. Pay close attention to your surroundings when you see a Hawk a near. You never know when and how you will receive your message.
When the Hawk shows up, it means:
You're caught up in too many details, so step back so you can get a greater perspective on the situation. Stay alert and focused on the task before you, eliminating as many distractions as possible. Spend some time observing and studying the situation, and when it’s time for action, make it quick and decisive. Pay close attention to your surroundings, as you’re about to receive an important message soon. Be aware of any personal or psychic attacks, and be prepared to defend yourself in these ways if needed. Stop trying to change others or the situation and work instead on accepting things as they are.
Call on a Hawk when:
You’ve been caught up in an emotional turmoil and have lost your perspective on things. Your plans haven’t gone as you’d expected, they’re taking a lot of twists and turns, and you’re having difficulty accepting this. You’re in the midst of an intense project that requires vigilance and focus for extended periods of time. You're being harshly criticized or psychically assaulted and need to defend yourself. You’re feeling depressed and rather helpless and want to lift your spirits. There are distinct messages from your environment and you want to discern their meaning.
If the Hawk is your Power Animal:
You're very good at interpreting signs and omens from the natural world, whether these come as a blessing or a warning. You easily flow with the movement of life and don't typically get your feathers ruffled, unless you need to defend yourself in some way. You're very effective at taking care of and protecting your home and family. You're a freedom-loving individual and difficult to tie down, but when you do mate you're very faithful and dependable. You're very insightful; people come to you for your sage counsel and advice.
Hawk: Message of The Week:
Take time to listen compassionately to those you love, especially your family members. The bond between family members can gradually decay and become stultified unless it's continually nourished with loving attention, and one of the simplest yet most elegant ways of showing that attention is to listen compassionately to those you care about the most. Otherwise, you risk taking them for granted, assuming that they'll always be there and that they know you love them. Take time to have a conversation, starting with relatively superficial topics, then moving into more in-depth, personal themes, adding your own tidbits, but primarily focusing on what the other person has to say.
Show your spouse, partner, children, parents, or elders your love by listening and really hearing what they have to say about how they feel and what they think. This not only generates a deeper, more lasting affection between you and the other person, but far exceeds glibly saying "I Love You," with no real feelings behind it. People are constantly changing and evolving, adding new experiences and insights. Who someone is today, while built on a foundation of a core self, changes and is continuously elaborating on that core self. Find the newness and freshness in those you love, which includes both your biological and marital families, as well as your close friends whom you're informally adopted as family.