Sunday, January 3, 2016

Galactic Federation of Light Channeled Message - January 3, 2016

January 3, 2016
Galactic Federation of Light Message
From: Urion
Channeled By: Me

This is a message to all of humanity. As this New Year begins we want you to all know that there are a lot of good things comings your way. A lot of you will be making some new changes in your lives and with those changes will come a new level of uploads and transmissions. There will be a different transmission for each person. These will be based on your energy level and your choice of changes you will make. We have a lot to offer you this year as you all grow spiritually. We will be visiting more often throughout the year. This means an increase in sightings during this year. I relay this message because we are afraid that your government may attempt to harm us during our visits. We come with no intention of harming any of you. Yes there are some galactic visitors that come only to harm but we do not. But your government doesn’t care about things like that. All they care about it is capturing us and running test on us. This is because the groups of galactic’s that are in contract with your government are not those you can trust. I put this message out there because we hear the calls of a lot of you but we can only answer to so many calls because we risk our lives when we make our visits. Our visits are to help you who call on us and those who believe in us. There is a war coming soon and we are here to help protect you during this war. Whether you or your government believes us we have a job to do. So please if you happen to see a ship or an unknown being or creature please be cautious because it may be one of us. Please also remember that if we don’t attack first then we mean no harm to you what so ever. Humanity has a real bad problem with making the first attack on anything that isn’t human and that is not a nice thing to do. This is why we don’t make a lot of visits but this year is important to humanity because of the energy shifts that will take place throughout the year. Your energy levels will be fluctuating and out of balance due to these shifts and this isn’t very good for the human body. So we need to actually visit earth quite frequently during these shifts to make sure you all get your transmissions and upgrades to help keep your bodies balanced and under control. Please my earthly friends take heart and keep an eye out for us this year. We look forward to our visit and we look forward to you calls. And for any of you out there who channel us this is a great year to use your powers and get the messages and answers you want. To all you stargazers keep your eyes to the sky as we will be showing ourselves a lot more this as well. We love you all!!!!

Cosmic Love,
The Galactic Federation of Light

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