Sunday, January 24, 2016

Frog: Animal of The Week


What The Frog Represents

Think about what a frog does during it's life. The frog spends most of it's life in the water. It symbolizes the water element. Frogs lay their eggs in water. The eggs hatch into aquatic larvae called tadpoles. Although some frogs lay their eggs on land and bypass the tadpole phase most frog lay eggs in the water. If you look at how the frog spends most of it's life in water you can how they represent cleansing. We use water when we clean or take a shower or cleansing baths. It also represents transformation (rebirth). During it's life journey from hatching from an egg to tadpole to it's adult state it reminds me of the cycle of transformations or rebirths in our own lives. Also during it's life it transforms from water to earth which is almost like how we as humans transform by accepting and experiencing change in our everyday lives. To me the frog is a very powerful and can also be easily represented as an symbol for emotional or spiritual release because when you release negative emotions or spiritual toxins from your body you are cleansing yourself form those things and are transforming into something new. After a good cleansing most people feel reborn. The frog is an amazing, ancient, mysterious, and magical creature.

When a Frog shows up, it means:
If you hear a frog during the daytime, it will rain very soon. Do a physical cleanse to detoxify your body. Do an emotional cleanse by letting yourself really feel your emotions, and cry as much as you need to in order to clear and release any emotional toxicity. Singing and chanting out loud will help you feel more balanced, at peace, and connected to the divine. You're entering into a time of plenty and abundance. This is the start of a slow and steady transformation process for you, a movement from an old life to a new life.

Call on a Frog when: 
It's time to cleanse your life of people, places, or things that no longer fit in with your present lifestyle and who you are. You're in the midst of any life change, whether small or large, and you need the emotional sustenance and strength to go through it in a fluid and graceful way. You're planning to do a clearing and blessing ceremony for your home, office, or a specific space. You feel intimidated or hesitant about honestly stating your thoughts, feelings, or opinions to someone. You simply feel overwhelmed with negativity and want to clear it up. 

If the Frog is your Power Animal:
You're a very sensitive and compassionate person, and readily express deep feelings in words and actions. Your voice, and your singing, at times can arouse deep emotions, yet at the same time soothe anyone within its range. To others you initially seem rather remote and self-absorbed, yet once they get past their first impressions of you, they discover the depth and nobility of your character. In your work, you seem to plod along very slowly and have trouble getting started, but you stay with it and get the job done. You enjoy the study of ancient mysteries and the art of magic. 

Frog: Message of the Week:

     Get support from a trusted group of like-minded friends. The people in your life would love to offer their support to you; your only job is to receive it and, sometimes even ask for it. Those whom you feel the closest to and trust the most are the individuals you can rely on to be there for you, especially when you really need it. People who are dealing with dire illness and have the support of friends and family members usually fare the best; however, you certainly don't need to experience such an extreme situation to take advantage of the love and care that others have to offer. Write down a list of the names of people you trust the most, and then go back through it and identify three traits in each of these individuals that make you trust them. When you're finished, you'll not only have a good idea of qualities in those you rely on, but also a clear notion of the characteristics that make a person trustworthy in your eyes. 
     Sure, you've been burned or disappointed at one time or another when you've trusted someone and were let down or betrayed, everyone has experienced this. So now you must be afraid that if you let others in and count on them for support, something similar will happen. Those memories, consciously or subconsciously, will not only filter out any chance of being disappointed or hurt, but will also serve to keep others who are trustworthy at a distance. 

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