Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Galactic Information Monthly - January 2016

Galactic Information Monthly - January 2016

Galactic Information Monthly
January 2016

Greetings Humanity, We are bringing through this information slightly different then we normally do. This is because of the energy of this earth year and the things which are in store for your planet. Your planet is coming close to a change on a global scale. This will be a scare for some, but a revelation for others. A war is upon you, and this war is on a level of truth verses false. The governments of your world have been holding information back from the mass population. During 2016 more proof will be revealed for global understanding, because humanity it is time for you all to ascend into the higher dimensions, and to gain more understanding on life and how things really are. This can only happen if the trust is heard. So understand that this is the first month of the year of truth. This month the earth is going through a major shift. This is the first in a few over the course of the year. Your world is reaching a stage of advanced awakening on a global scale, and the energy vibrations of those awakening are heightening. This is a good thing for the global ascension into the higher dimensions. As for January the earth is about to pass through a narrow stream of debris from shattered comet 2003 EH, which the source is of the annual Quadrantid Meteor Shower. This will be a beautiful sight for those who are able to view it, but more so than anything this will be advancing the stages of communication with spirit guides, and those within your soul family outside of physical incarnation. You will find that those of you who are awakened to a high enough degree to be aware of your energetic vibrational frequencies will feel a major shift in energy levels. This will be steadily rising throughout the course of the month. For those of a lower vibration and those who are not awakened to that degree, expect for emotions to be calming near the middle of the month. The beginning of the month could be a bit turbulent for lower vibrational humans. But this will not last for long. If you find yourself in an emotional time, be aware of your state of consciousness and raise your levels of vibration through meditation and connection within yourself.

Week 1st – 9th
As we start this week out the moon will be in the Last Quarter, which means that its pull on emotions will be heightening. This may create some misunderstanding with those of a lower vibrational energy frequency. It will be important to keep your mind set on the higher perspective, and understand that these times will not last forever and that you hold the key to changing it. If you are in a higher vibrational energy frequency you will realize that your energy levels on both a spiritual and physical standpoint will be heighted and continuing to rise. This is a very good thing for you. On January 4th the Quadrantid meteor shower will reach its maximum rate of activity. Some shooting starts associated with this shower are expected to be visible each night from January 1st to January 6th. The maximum rate of meteors from a dark location will be about 80 per hour, and the moon should be dark enough to not interfere. This shower has a big symbolism. It is the first one of the New Year, which means it brings forth new opportunities for spiritual advancement. Etheric coding and energy uploads in accordance to DNA activation will be heightened as a result of this shower.

Week 10th – 16th
As this week begins we have a New Moon beginning on the 10th. This brings through feelings of happiness and the ability to foresee how to accomplish future goals. The new moon brings about new beginning. So expect this week to be full of that energy. In addition, the 10th also brings comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) which will reach its brightest visibility. Whether or not you can see this in your location, it will still bring the effects to you. This Comet has been loaded with beneficial energy to be unleashed when it reaches its closest point to the earth. At this moment the energetic encoding on the comet will unleash and react to all earthlings who are aware enough to receive this energy, For those who are, you will feel a balance and connection within your chakra centers. This will open up a portal of connection with those of a very high vibration. Psychic intuition and channeling will be good during this time. On January 12th comet 204/LINEAR-NEAT is going to reach its brightest point in the sky. This will also bring uploads of coding to aid in ascension and advanced awareness. Lightworkers and Starseeds will benefit from this comet’s energy even if you cannot see it in the sky. On January 15th we have two portals of communication opening up. This will be the Puppis M47 star cluster and the Camelopardalis NGC 2013 spiral galaxy. There will be a large wormhole portal conducting high levels of energy in each of these general locations. This will create a link between your solar system and theirs. People on your planet who channel using their spiritual mental awareness will benefit from connecting with entities from these two areas. Be aware of your protection when channeling,. Astral Traveling will be a bit easier during this time as well. On January 16th the moon will be reaching first quarter. This will bring about renewed energy and enlightenment for the soul. We end this week Comet S/2014 W2 (panstarrs) reaching its brightest. This brings the last major energy upload for the month. This Comet will unleash its beneficial energy rays when it reaches its closest and brightest point. Even if you do not see this comet in the sky, it will create harmony in emotions. 

Week 17th – 23rd
This week is a lull in energy due to the heightened energy of the following week. We have the open star cluster NGC 2451 in Puppis which will be well placed for communication with much of the world. In addition NGC 2516 in Volans and NGC 2547 in Vela will also be well placed for communication with the planet. For those who communicate with the entities outside the planet know that when certain constellations are directly above your sky, the portals of communication are easier to establish through brain wave mental communication. This incorporates energy rays from one place to the other, and one mind to another. So expect for messages to come through easier during this week. 

Week 24rd – 31st 
On January 24 the full moon is visible bringing a magnetic pull to the earth and all creations therein. Expect emotions to be at a high, and expect the same from spiritual awareness. This month will be ending at a high point. Also this week there will be a peak in telecommunication around the 31st in the following areas of your sky. The Beehive open star cluster also known as Praesepe, the Omicron Velorum open star cluster, and the IC open star cluster in Vela will be reachable through communication via energy waves from the mind. You call this mental channeling.

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