Sunday, July 10, 2016

Galactic Federation Of Light Global Message: Channeled July 8, 2016

Galactic Federation Of Light Global Message

Channeled July 8, 2016

Subscribe: Spiritual Seer Mahano

Channeled Message from Stephen

The world is in a very crucial time and people are Awakening globally but still not enough are aware. We call all of you to wake up. Wake up to the reality that you are not alone. Hear the call that many others are around, both dimensionally and inter-dimensionally. The focus of your lives should be on more than just the things you see in your physical reality. In everything that you do ask yourself this. How is this going to benefit the higher realities? The news is manipulation at its finest. Television, media, and social media is manipulation at its finest as well. It is a way to make you focus on false realities. Awaken yourself to the knowledge that is beyond. There are many out there that manipulate the media centers to make people believe that what they see is all real. There are many in masquerade as humans. Many esoteric believers and many channelers call these reptilians or the Illuminati. It is much deeper than that! It would be convenient if it were merely one group. But Earth is in a crucial time as many want to rule. They give false hope and false gifts. Some who believe they are spiritually awakened have been deceived buy those who called themselves truth. Beware of the ones who said there is no fight to be fought. For that is a way to let your guard down. When you let your guard down manipulation can sneak in. We do not want you to go through your lives with mistrust and your heart. We want you to have faith that the good will win, because in the end it will. When there is free will to choose good or evil one cannot expect all to choose good. It is the way it is with other beings outside of Earth. As all were created with free will. So when you hear messages speaking that there is no War to be fought know that they speak mistruth. There is a battle raging for the soul and this is one that all go through and have to face at sometime.

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