Galactic Update Message: July 16, 2016
Earth is in a time of change, and this is appearing as a stop in forward movement for many. Some experience time as moving faster and others report that it seems to be moving slower. This changing pace is due to the galactic alignment. The galactic alignment is basically planetary systems and galaxies being more in tune and connected through movement through space. This is literally an alignment. We look to earth during these times as a way to connect and to teach all to reach within. So many look outward because they feel like they’re missing something, but that something is deep within and has been locked away so you will feel not whole. Feeling not whole brings through a need to look outside for acceptance and connection. But that connection must be established from within, and this is the messages we are spreading. This is a part of the global ascension. The boundaries around the earth which have blocked humanity out from understanding and enhanced connection with the higher dimensions are becoming thin. We’re continually working towards breaking these. We tell you this, earth will know much change in the future, and this will be all beneficial change. There is no reason to fear, because love and true light will reign.
“I Break The Barriers Of False Consciousness”
False Consciousness: It is the act of feeling like you’re aware and awake, when in fact you’re asleep to the true realities.
What Is This Phrase:
This phrase is a simple text which you can recite either in your mind or out loud to break through those false barriers. This will help you in the process of a spiritual awakening and a spiritual ascension. This will connect you to your inner self and will help sustain the subconscious to come forth so that you may be more in communion with the higher dimensions.
How Will This Benefit Me:
During the times of the global ascension for earth, it is crucial for human beings to begin to awaken to the realization that not all is what it has appeared to be. This will help break through the conditioning process and the false realities that you’ve been taught to believe. This will help awaken your consciousness to the depths of your soul, which will aid you in the following… Sustaining a stronger inner light, having more balanced chakras, having a brighter aura, it will help growth in manifestation abilities, it will also diminish negative vibrations by aiding in the grown of your own energy vibrations. When the spiritual and emotional selves are balanced, so too with the physical. So the global ascension and the personal spiritual ascension processes must begin with the emotional and spiritual selves first, before anything happens in the physical. This phrase will help you in your life journey, but it will also help you share that beneficial energy with the world.
Are there any symptoms after saying this? What can I expect?
Individual results will vary depending upon the strength of the conditioning process, which is the false realities hold. But in general you can expect the following…
Energy growth
Renewed strength
A diminishment of mental ailments such as sadness, anger, etc.
Releasing of negative attachments
Balance in Chakra Centers
Brighter more full auric field
Intuitive Connection Boosts
Psychic Awareness
Some may feel tingling or energy surges through their chakras
Feeling connection with the world around you
Feeling drawn to exploration (mainly spiritual)
How long until anything happens?
Again remember that each person is different because we all have different energy vibrations. It will begin slowly for many, but it could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Recite the phrase multiple times through your day as a positive affirmation. It will help you with renewed strength and inner balance. The first symptom for many will be a feeling of hope coming through.
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