Galactic Federation Of Light Update: July 13, 2016
The messages that are coming through today have to deal with the impact of the global ascension on the human body. Also we are going to speak about how the global ascension may impact the earth. We have heard the calls for answers on the topic of what it will be like during this process. Well we can share that the impacts will be different for each person in the way they awaken and how they become accustom to change. The ascension has already begun, and souls from the higher realms have been incarnated on this earth for a while now. This is to help raise the energy vibrations around the earth. These are called starseeds and lightworkers. Some of you know what the global ascension is, but some who are newer to this topic, and are just now beginning to awaken, may not be aware yet. The global ascension is the process of earth coming into a deep and intimate connection with the higher dimensions. This is as close as we can get this information to English and for human comprehension. Basically the global ascension is the connection between worlds. This will help bring peace to the earth, and this peace will come. But in the meantime there will be wars raging, and many of these wars will be an inner battle. You may be asking what about these wars, and why will they impact me? You must understand that people becoming more awakened is the result of the global ascension. It is basically like humanity as a whole becoming more connected to outside realities. For so long you all have been in somewhat of a bubble, and this was with a tunnel vision of thought. There are many other branches of thought waves that can be experienced, but humanity is very used to only one way. This process will be an introduction into those new ways. But there are some who wish to see humanity not enlightened. There are some who want to keep humanity in the dark so that they can continue to manipulate and bend humans to their own will. This process must end, and some out there have the messages coming through that this has already ended. If you come across a channeler speaking that the manipulators have already been stopped, do not listen. This is not a message to scare you. This is a message to enlighten you, so that you may be more aware. Forewarned is forearmed. The manipulators will come through and try to attack you in many ways, and this is through manipulation through media centers, drug and alcohol abuse, poverty, etc. Let’s take the media centers for an example. People on earth now days tend to be very focused on media, whether it be the news, television, or social media. This is a way to keep the hypnotic hold on you, and that hypnotic hold is what is keeping people’s energy vibrations low. This does not mean that media itself is bad. It is merely an outlet for the manipulators to make their way into your mind to keep your inner light dull.
The same goes with drug and alcohol abuse, they’re addicted and addiction can give someone a one track mind. Having a one track mind too much can lead people down the path of being in a tunnel vision, and not being open to the multiple thought waves that are out there. Remember we spoke of the thought waves being other branches of experience, and humanity has been under the hold of limited thought for a very long time. That is why human comprehension is very limited as opposed to some more ascended beings. This also in no way makes one better than the other, as under the same source energy, all are alike. So all of this leads back into the topic of an inner war. The manipulators take those areas of weakness and use them to keep a hold on the mind. The manipulators are dark forces who do not have earth’s highest good in mind. They’re one’s who want to rule and force their will upon others, and that will stop. But the process needs to begin with humanity realizing this and awakening. So we call all of you to awaken!! Awaken your minds, hearts, and spirits to the awareness that there is much more to existence than a 24-hour day filled with tasks to accomplish. Awaken your spirits to the realization that you are an eternal soul in a physical body. You have a soul plan in your fate, and destiny is calling you now!! Will you answer the call? We hope so, because the global ascension will bring peace onto the earthly planes, and it will bring awakening and understanding of things previously unrealized. We of the Galactic Federation Of Light call all of you to use your free will for good, and that is even in the simplest of ways such as smiling at a stranger or giving to the needy. We of the Galactic Federation Of Light want all of you to know that we are watching and the plan for light will be accomplished. Light will reign, because even in the dark void of space, there lies illumination from other sources of light. Shine your light now, and awaken to the call that your heart is hearing.
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