Light codes are being sent from the central energies of the universe. There is a lot of information to give as humanity is in period of fluctuation. Many people call out for help. We assure you that help is on its way. We want you to know that all you need to do is reach within yourself, because that is where strength resides. All of you are made of Stardust and Galactic energy. Each of you is someone special. In the massive Global Awakening the process is becoming more sustained. Energies around the world are beginning to grow. Even though all of that is going through, there is still a lot that needs to be done. There is still a lot that needs to be accomplished. We have a lot of messages which we will be releasing over the next few earth weeks. There are many light codes that are being released, and all of you can use that energy for sustaining good personal energy vibrations. Heightening your energy vibrations through meditation will be something that if you dedicate yourself to during this time. You can accomplish much. We want you to know that we are here and we are going unseen which is what we want to do right now. Sooner of you can see, and it is a matter raising the conscious energies and that also what these current light codes are about. We choose to not be obvious, because if we were obvious there would not be a reaching inner strength from humanity. Many of you ask, why can you not come to us and show yourself physically to prove to us that you exist. I tell you this, if we did that there would be many consequences. Thee global Awakening must happen because Humanity makes it happen and that is why we sent many starseeds and lightworkers and those ascended Souls incarnated as human bodies. This aids in the connections with the higher realms and dimensions just due to those ascended Souls. We also have information about the area which you call Regulus. Energies are being sustained there in a Vortex of energy. It will be coming through and this will be over the course of the next few earth weeks. The Regulus council reaches out to many during this time. But only those that can hear their call. They are a part of the Federation they light and are a part of the group of light and can be trusted their messages are normally pertaining to ascending Humanity so that they may know true truths from false truth. False truth is negative but can show itself as positive to those of lower vibrations and consciousness. This is why out is very crucial to awaken and to grow your inner light and heighten your energy vibrations. Humanity will find the balance it needs, and we will always be here to help. Trust in that fact and look within. Reflect.
Many blessings,
Mira and Pleadia
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