Channeled By: Vextor
August 3rd, 7th, and the 12ththere will be three separate asteroids on each of those days. The one on August 3 will be within 5.8 Lunar Distance from the earth. The one on August 7 will be 9 Lunar Distance from the earth. Finally, the one on August 12 will be 66.5 Lunar Distance from the earth. These asteroids will be passing by close to earth, but do not worry about a collision, and this is something that we take advantage of. Each of these are aimed at balancing the energies for earthlings during the month of August. There will be more in September. But for now, these are the ones we are urged to notify you of. The strength of each of these were determined by the closeness to earth. The ones closer to earth we made a bit weaker, and the one farther away we strengthened. This is so each of them will have similar effects. Look to increased balance on these days, and expect your auric fields and energy centers to be stronger as a result. Right now there are many people on earth asking many different things. We hear your calls and want to assure you that answers are coming. Many of you inquire about when we will reveal ourselves, and we want all to know that it will happen in due time. The time is approaching for balance in knowledge and the hidden agendas of your governments will not be able to keep some of you blind for much longer. Balance is coming, and this is in all ways. For the global and personal ascensions to work, blocks must be broken. These blocks are media lies, manipulations through various outlets, government conspiracies, and more which we will not go into right now. Many of you are also asking about the reptilians and the shape shifters who on masquerading on earth right now. We want you to know that not all are against you, but we also want you to know that not all are with you. Some are in between and are here to help in their own agendas. But there are undercover light beings among you, who are acting as rebellions against the manipulators within your world. We use the phrase manipulators, but some of you use the term dark ones, demons, evil beings, negative aliens. The term of phrase is not what is important. The meaning behind these messages are what is important. Balance will be coming in these areas, and for just as many manipulators, there are that many light beings for good and love among you. We do not want to instill fear in you. The objective is ascension and ascension must be obtained through love, and not fear. We are working towards breaking through your fear driven religions, practices, and whatever else is holding you all back from obtaining this collective energy. We inquire with you all, you have questions, and we seek to answer. Bring them to the forefront of your minds, and express.
Channeled by: Lira (Leer-a)
Lyran prophetess obtaining connection. Lira is her name which you may refer to her as. We bring her through. I am here to share a collective message to the beings on earth. Earth is a precious vessel, and many are not taking care of the place they call home. During your ascension you must be prompted to take care of one another and live in harmony. This is something a race like yours cannot fully understand yet. Many has been where you are, and their ascensions have gone through perfectly fine. Harmony among all must be obtained. From the rocks, water and trees to the bugs, humans, and marine life. Earth is a place of variety, and it is a place of learning. It is meant to be a precious place where beings can go to test their skills, to learn and gain knowledge. Humanity looks to the stars for confirmation that they are important. That is good for clarity, but not needed for confirmation that you are important. You are a part of the all, and by all I mean everything in existence in your realms and beyond. We call all of you to realize the importance of earth. Take care of the home which you call Gaia. Take care, for she can take care of you if you live in harmony with her. This is a lesson the Galactic Federation Of Light is trying to spread unto your world. This is one that is needed for clarity in your connections to the higher dimensions. The beings of Lyra and the Lyric Council Of High Light assure all of you that you will make it through. Graduation for your planet is unavoidable. Many of your religions teach of each disasters, and we will touch base on that soon. But for now it is important to focus on peace. See the love in others, and share the love within your hearts. All of you have love to share, and all of you are worthy of ascension. This transmission is ending in a blast of collective love. Reach your hands up and out in front of you in this moment as I count down, 3, 2, 1. Love is upon you. Close your eyes and soak it in. Breath in deep and feel the ascension of love. Until next time we close, peace unto all.
Message from: Yendounye (Yen-Dough-Nye)
This is a message for all. For many years many of you have been led astray by false truth. For many of years many of you as well have been led by true truth. I bring this message forward because now that false truth is starting to come back into light. Most of this false truth is being taught in your churches, in your media, and your books. Many of you now, are starting to see that false truth and are confused about some things that you were taught as a child and as you grew older. If you find it in your hearts to open up about these things, then you will see how you were led astray and why most of it was done though the churches. Follow your heart, ask questions, and do your research. By doing these things you will then begin to see the true truth. Please be aware of the false truth because it is meant to brain wash you all and keep you from knowing the truth. The truth is what you all need to see right now. Look deep within yourself and search for the true truth. I send this message with love to you all. Open your eyes, your minds, and your hearts. Find the true truth.
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