Channeled By: XalXal'lia
Portal opening on August 14th in Messier 104. This portal will be closing on August 19th. Another portal will be opening on August 26th in Messier 109 and will be closing on September 2nd.
Messier 109 is a barred spiral galaxy exhibiting a weak inner ring structure around the central bar approximately 83.5 ± 24 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. Many races both advanced and similar to your own are within this area. The advanced ones will be traveling to your solar system. The same goes with m104
The Sombrero Galaxy, m104, is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo located 28 million light-years from Earth. The galaxy has a diameter of approximately 50,000 light-years, 30% the size of the Milky Way.
These two galactic places are far away from your home called earth. It is far from what you know, yet similar still. These portals upcoming will connect these places with your milky way galaxy. It is a naturally occurring event due to the stratosphere energies in both your milky way, and these two places. The first one to connect will be m109, and the second will be m104. This will merely bring connective energies forward for those wanting to communicate with beings from this area. This will also bring ionosphere orbs through which will layer around your solar system. This will be good for your own ionosphere. Basically stabilization will result. Remember what this layer does. This layer of the earth's atmosphere that contains the high concentration of ions and free electrons and is able to reflect radio waves. It lies above the mesosphere and extends from about 50 to 600 miles (80 to 1,000 km) above the earth's surface. The ionosphere basically is part of the energy which channelers tap into. These ionosphere orbs will be connecting with the planets in your solar system and increasing that layers radio waves, this increasing stable connections via telepathic connection. More about this will be coming soon so stay aware.
Channeled By: Miry
What kind of language do they speak?
We speak many different languages. We can speak Earth languages , it is a matter of adjusting are energetic frequency used to tune into the mental vibrations of Any Given human. As for outside languages, it depends upon the race of being that you are speaking with. With many ascended races, there are no language barriers.
How can one seek happiness in a world full of hate or at least a negative environment?
It is a matter of looking at the higher perspective. There is a higher perspective and everything that happens. Earth is known as a place of learning for many Souls. That is why it is in the turmoil state that it is right now. Seeking happiness can be done. It is in seeking happiness in the small things in life. It is better for some if they go day-by-day and find happiness in each given moment. Some book towards the bigger perspective and find happiness in achievement of future goals, with a physical or spiritual. We look to Earth and see all of the hatred going on. Sometimes it is hard to understand. But we can understand and maintain a higher energy vibrations, happiness, love, and in her life because we have an understanding that all is going according to a divinely guided plan. This Global Ascension will lead many people to the areas which they want to be, the areas which they should be, and this is true peace. It is about trying to focus on the good on Earth. We know that the bed needs to be acknowledged in order for it to heal, but the bad should not be obsessed about. Your media has a way of bringing forward only the bad things, and that creates and spreads much negative energy. That is negative energy that Humanity on Earth does not need right now. That is why many of our messages speak towards straying away from media centers. Finding happiness is about seeking happiness in light. Start Where You Are.
Could they explain the process of ascension?
The process of Ascension will be different for each person. We say that it will be different for each person because each person adjusts to the energies in their own way. The process of the global Ascension is something that has to get bad before they get good. It's like looking at a wound on your arm. You cannot ignore the wheeling and expect for it to heal, you have to acknowledge it and feel the pain. You have to feel that pain in order to realize that you need to take action. The global Ascension is like feeling the pain and humanity is in a ton of pain. So that let you know that healing is going to be soon on its way. It will be subtle at first, but balance will be established. So if any of you are looking at tips on your own Ascension processes, realize that it is in acknowledging whatever needs to be changed. Generally speaking what needs to be changed in any given person is a negative mindset that needs to be refocused towards positive. It is in loving your neighbor and treating other people as you would want to be treated. It is in spending your belief systems and not labeling yourself as much. It is in becoming and remaining aware of knowledge. This knowledge can be on the physical plane, the spiritual planes, or the emotional planes of existence. It is also in acknowledging that there are life-forms out there besides those on Earth. It is in realizing that earthlings are not separated from the universal energies. It is also in realizing that everything does not revolve around earth. Basically the Ascension process is an Awakening to the knowledge that all are connected and all are equal. No one entity is any better than the other. That is how peace is maintained in the higher realms. That is also what defines someone who is for peace and someone who is against peace. If they feel as though they are better than another, they are against peace. So consider these things and your daily life. I assure you and we always show you of the Galactic Federation of Light that everything will go according to plan. Light and love will win.
Will we eventually be able to see or have contact with loved ones who have passed?
There will come a time when all will be reconnected. We of the Galactic Federation of Light and the higher realms want to assure all of you that Earth's understanding of death is all wrong. Many people believe that when someone dies they simply vanished into nothingness. Many people believe that when someone dies they had to go to a place of Eternal happiness or a place of Eternal suffering. Many people believe that when someone dies they continuously become reborn over and over again. I assure you that all of these understandings of death are incorrect in their own ways. Yes there is a place of happiness, yes there is a place of negativity. Yes some are reborn, and then no cases do people vanish into nothingness. Intervention death will be understood as transformations. Look at how a butterfly is born. It begins as a caterpillar. That caterpillar goes into a transformational phase where it isThen made into a butterfly. So too is a human eyes the version of this transformation of the death in the higher realms. Many people see death as an ending when it is under no circumstances an ending. So yes there will come a time when people will be reunited with their loved ones who have passed on. On Earth out of all the phrases to explain death, we use the term pass on. Because a soul passes on into the next step of their soul Evolution within death. It is essential to Ascension.
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