Lyran Council Of High Light
Lyran prophetess obtaining connection.
I come from Lyra, which you refer to it as in English of your earthly language. My people come from a cluster of stars within the constellation. It is about 33,000 light years away from earth. Our home area is referred to as Intarlen, that is the closest in English we can place it. Intarlen is within the cluster of stars known on earth as Messier 56. The entire area we call Sem, which means together or close by. This area for your earth looks like one big cluster, but it is not once you’re there. If you were to come you would see large stars blazing all around you. Planets circling their home star, and there are many wormholes, portals, and black hole areas around this space as well. This area we call Sem, and which you call M56 is our home sector. It is one that humanity would enjoy. Some consider it a Galactic Empire or City. There are many areas to visit, and many places to gather supplies or to explore. Humanity would enjoy Sem. My home within Sem is Intarlen, and it is like your sun, but a 1,000 times larger. The habitable zone, which you refer to as goldilocks stretches wide, and our other planets have sustained life as well. We are much more advanced then earth, but we were once where you are now. If you look at a photo with your telescopes of Messier 56, which we call Sem, you will see many stars. Ours is near the middle among many others, and it is facing the back side which is covered by many other stars from earth’s perspective. Humanity would call us Lyrans, but Lyrans is a very large term for a numerous amount of races. There are the one’s which humanity calls the feline race, but there are also races which look very similar to your own. We actually have a similar DNA coding as yours, but a lot of what human scientists call junk DNA, is not junk. If yours were activated, you all would be very similar to us as we are now. Know that the junk DNA, is useful in the global ascension. Many of you are in the process of having your DNA coding activated. Some of your government sectors are trying to read DNA coding to see who is advancing and who is not. Be aware of this, and do not let them unless you’re consenting. Humanity has a way of using things to their selfish advantage. That age of hatred and selfishness is coming to a close, surely but certainly. I am of the human appearance, and so are my people. Yet we have differing traits. Our cheek bones are higher and more pronounced. Our eyes are larger and what you would call, cat like and slanted. We are taller than you, but not by much. We are slenderer, and our skin ranges in different tones, but in lighter shades that are luminescent. We generally have smaller noses and mouths, but all else is very similar.
Some are of the physical state as you are now, but we have reached a point of ascension. Within further advancements of ascension on a larger scale, there is a phase which results in transitioning death. We know death differently than you all. We can go within and out of physical form in ascension. It is about using that “junk DNA” to do this, and it is also in energetic vibrations. Those in physical form, have not ascended, and are what you could call mortal. Those who have ascended, you would call immortal. We are close to the Pleiadians, and we are very in tune with them and their ways. Some of our portals interlock the Lyran areas to the Pleiadian areas. We have been in tune with earth for a very long time, and we have partnered with the Pleiadians, along with other galactic groups. Some of you call this the Galactic Federation Of Light. Whatever you call it, we are a part of a group who has advancement in ways of love, hope, and divine light in mind. This is why we are beginning to reach out more on earth. Humanity is reaching a time of awakening on a global scale. So many are trying to hold on to the ways of old and times which are past due. This is why it seems there has been more fights, hatred, and negativity in your world. Some are grasping on to the ways which you have grown accustom to, and are not willing to branch out into the unknown. But many are also beginning to awaken to reality, and being more accepting of the new ways, the true ways. For so long earth has been under manipulation, but it is time for the true awakening to come. This will be all in pure peace and love. Many of you who have been incarnated into the earthly planes have an agenda, a mission, to accomplish. Many of you know that there is a mission, but are confused on what this mission actually is. It is to assist humanity in their growth. It is to assist earth into rising into the higher dimensional frequencies. It that way, earth will be made new. As in some of your biblical text, earth will be made new because of the global ascension. Much information has still not been released, and it will come in due timing. For now, continue to help you neighbors and assist in loving one another freely and openly. Do not hesitate to reach your hand out to someone in need, these ways are good in helping the ascension process. Small ways are beneficial too, and lead to larger scales. Our transmission is ending for now. We will be back to assist you on a later time. Many blessings to all.
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