Sunday, August 7, 2016

Galactic Federation Of Light Weekly Global Message: August 7, 2016

Channeled By: Yendounye

Greetings to all I am here to share many blessings with the world in this hour.. I am here to answer questions and we have received many that are coming through. The Galactic Federation of Light is listening to Humanities call.

Many people want to know where does Evil come from. Evil comes from the result of Free Will. Free Will is within, because it has to be within. There is a cosmic balance that is in alignment with the universal Energies. Free Will is needed in order for any one person to be a true Soul. It is about individuality. You cannot be an independent individual unless there is Free Will. When Humanity was made, they were made with free will so that they will have that individual light that comes from within. It is where the inner light resides, that is where free will stems from. That is where either evil or good is. If somebody has an inner light, they have Free Will, and thus have the knowledge of Good and Evil. It is within the Inner Light which gives a person an individual soul essence.

Many people want to know is evil the manifestation of ego. Yes ego can lead to evil and negativity. But more importantly ego is about survival. Evil is not the result of ego. The ego can lead to evil, but evil is not the result of ego. Evil stems from negativity that has been said too much. Each Soul has a chance to go towards good or go towards evil. Think about what good is? Good is all beneficial and it is about free love. What is evil, evil is the opposite of good. Ego should not be blamed for somebody who is evil or for evil thoughts. It is in each person's choices and to what they feed into. Each person on Earth, even the good, have a tendency to think with their ego. It is a natural part of being on a Physical Realm in a third dimension. Evil and negativity is the other side too good in light. Humanity has a tendency to blame outside sources on their negative thoughts. There's no matter what these are called, thinking with ego, sin, exedra. It is in that person's choice is to go towards whatever path they choose. It is all a result from the gift of free will.

Many people also want to know what's going to come after the next few months? And what will people experience? The Earth has many fluctuations in energetic levels that have been going on. This is what we call metotonic energies or the boundary layers around the earth that cannot be seen by all of you. Those layers are being removed, slowly but surely, and when those extra layers around the Earth are removed. This will lead to more Ascension processes. This will lead to more advancements in each person's spiritual understanding. Over the next few months but people will experience different things. It depends upon where they are in their lives and how they have lived their lives. If someone has read too much into their negative side, it will be hard. They will be coming to a time where they will have to face what they have let into their life. They will have to face breaking through those blockages, and before changing the way they deal with situations. For example if somebody has a tendency to act in Anger a lot. That person will be facing energies that will help balance them in the anger areas within the mind. This time will help them to be able to face whatever is not beneficial, and You released. Sometimes this can be hard, but just because it is hard does not mean that it is not beneficial. Everything that will go on in the next few months in a spiritual and emotional focus will be beneficial. Those who have been feeding more into their positive aspects and their higher selves. Those who have been asking for ascensions and advanced connections will be experiencing a many good high energies. They will be facing ways to empower themselves and to grow. This will be like unlocking things within the mind. This is not to explain physical matters. Keep in mind that whatever you have worked towards in the past will still come into fruition. So if you have not been working toward your goals, the next few months will not automatically be a miracle and all of your dreams will come true. It only means that the next few months will have a lot of good manifestation Energies. It is up to that individual person to tap into those good energies and to use them accordingly. That will be the determining Factor on whether or not these next few months and the ending of your 2016 year will be good or not. But the energies that are available to be tapped into are all very good. We have the Galactic Federation of Light and the higher realms of light will be directly involved in all of your energetic levels that will be coming through. There will be many portals that will be opening and this will all get through many good intentions and light codes for DNA advancement.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light when all of you to understand that there are cosmic alignment that are coming into balance. These cosmic alignment have been out of line for a longWhile due to certain Galactic Energies. There has been disputes among certain ascended groups. These disputes have been whether or not to help lead Humanity, and part of that is how do we lead Humanity. This has been going on for a long while and this has been a topic of concern for ascended entities for a long time. We of the Galactic Federation of Light feel as though spiritual advancement and light codes and light waves are the way to go. We feel as though Humanity needs to become aware of their Galactic Brothers and sisters instead of being disconnected from them. This is why many of your governments are holding back the necessary knowledge to confirm what many of you already know, and that is that there is life out there other than just humanity. We ask all of you to be aware that ascended times are coming. We ask all of you to be aware that there are bigger plans here, and there are light beings amongst you wish are there to assist. We want all of you to understand that there is much at stake here, and it is our mission to make sure that Humanity ascends in the right direction. For now we will leave this message as it is, we are aware of all of your questions. We will be bringing them forward as the energies permit. We send all of you good night and good luck in this time of great energy. Enjoy the Lions Gate portal that is beginning to open on August 8th. Know that the remaining energies will be carrying over until the 16th. The month of August holds a lot of Good Vibrations. The month of August and September holds a lot of good key moments for many of you who have been asking for advancement in spiritual and emotional battles. Know that balance is coming.

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